View Full Version : Just saying hello....

21-02-14, 17:36
Hi There,

My names Alex and I have joined this forum to help me with my worries and really to see if anyone else understands what I'm going through or been through.

I have suffered Health anxiety for the last 2 to 3 years, and has had some help by professionals to help me overcome my fears. But just when I thought things were going okay, it has all come back to haunt me, but this time with new symptoms. I dunno, maybe I am being daft, but I am a worrier and always will be! That's just me!

But this forum always seems to reassure me which is a great help!

So, hello to all!

Alex :)

21-02-14, 18:06
Hello and welcome Alex you will find lots of lovely peeps here with support and good advice x

21-02-14, 18:20
Hi Alex. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

21-02-14, 19:58
Cheers Guys and Girls! :)

21-02-14, 20:10
Hi Alex, welcome to NMP

21-02-14, 22:29
Hello Alex, you'll definitely find lots of support and friendly people on here. x

21-02-14, 22:46
Welcome Alex