View Full Version : Fear of epilepsy?

21-02-14, 19:13
Hi everyone
I was reading the sims 3 games manual earlier because I was looking for something to do and I read a bit about epilepsy and warning of seizures etc. Now I am terrified of getting epilepsy from the game. I have been playing it for years, sometimes for long periods of time which I know is bad and nothing has happened. I know its my HA getting to me but I really enjoy playing it and now I keep checking myself as if waiting for something to happen! Am I just being silly? I mean if its never happened before is it likely to happen now? My thoughts are already trying to blow it out of control 'what if you have a seizure just from natural light!' which obviously im working on! Am I just being over anxious again could this even happen? Thanks

21-02-14, 21:26
That's more for people with epilepsy I think. I used to play that game for literally hours at a time. They just have to put that stuff in its the law :) hope that eases your mind a bit x

21-02-14, 23:03
A game can't give you epilepsy. People that already have epilepsy can have a seizure. You are fine don't give up doing something you enjoy because of anxiety. :)

22-02-14, 01:05
Hi there, :), Im 100% in the exact same boat, my exact 2 year fear, check my threads, I started loads of them over the years, just about to start another in a minute!
Feel free to bump them up if you have a question!

Maybe we can help each other? :)

22-02-14, 02:22
From memory, epilepsy is most frequently diagnosed in young children and the elderly. Inbetween those ages the majority of people who suffer from epilepsy have been suffering since childhood.

The only reason games have an epilepsy warning is because high frequency technicolour can cause seizures in people already suffering from epilepsyn and in very rare instances in the general population. The Sims isn't bright enough and doesn't flash frequently, hence it would be EXTREMELY unlikely to cause a seizure, ESPECIALLY in someone who has never suffered epilepsy before. Generally these warnings refer to computer games with very VERY bright graphics that are constantly flashing (think flashing like strobe lights).

If you've been playing the game for years without a problem, a problem won't start now :)

22-02-14, 03:35
All video games have that warning.
In people who already HAVE seizure disorders, video games can potentially trigger seizures. They do not induce seizures in people without seizure disorders.
On the other hand, I am a big gamer, and I often start to feel slightly weird after playing for a long period of time, almost as if I COULD have a seizure... but of course, I never have.
I would simply recommend that you take a break, stretch, and walk around a bit every half hour or so while playing. Not to prevent seizures, but to prevent a headache and general disembodied, disoriented feeling.

22-02-14, 17:56
Thank you everyone for your kindness it means a lot :) x