View Full Version : Advice needed - severe anxiety after leaving rehab

21-02-14, 21:57
As some of you are aware, I was admitted to an alcohol rehab centre around mid-January, where I stayed for three weeks.

When I was discharged, I went to the GP, who prescribed a short-term dose of Diazepam and 75mg Pregabalin for more long-term usage. I am taking the Pregabalin once a day for a week, then increasing it to twice a day (morning and evening) after that. I have taken four doses so far, so only another three to go before I can increase the dose.

On the other hand, the GP wants me to taper off the Diazepam (I am aware it's very addictive) at a rate of 2mg a day or every other day if this affected my anxiety too much. She gave me three boxes of 28 x 2mg tablets. This was nearly two weeks ago.

I had a very bad domestic with my partner last weekend, as the giving up alcohol was really taking its toll on me and my anxiety had hit the roof. I had a panic attack around my breathing in the car and flipped. The result when we arrived at our destination was an argument and fight. I felt suicidal at this point, and as soon as we got home, I necked a load of the Diazepam (probably about 20mg in one go) and went to bed.

My main problem now is that I don't have enough to taper safely. I was on about 30mg a day and had managed to get this down to 18mg a day before the 'incident'. I phoned the GP, who said she would give me 10 more tablets, but that is it until my appointment next Tuesday. I have 14 tablets left (so 28mg), and tend to take my highest dose (8mg) before bed to help me sleep. I have worked out that this means I can only take 9mg a day, and she wants me down to 6mg a day by next Tuesday, the date of my appointment. I am beside myself with panic, and don't know what to do. I tried ringing a different GP today, as mine wasn't on duty, but they refused to give me any more, despite explaining the tapering schedule, and my parents/partner being willing to lock it away and strictly control it.

I am also moving house this weekend, so all the medication being changed and reduced couldn't have come at at a worse time. I'm buried under a mountain of shite, and I just utterly have lost the will to live. The Pregabalin doesn't seem to be doing anything for my anxiety, but I have heard it can take a while. I don't know how I am going to be able to move with my breathing OCD being so bad and just want to disappear from existance.

I got so desperate and anxious tonight, that I made my way down to the corner shop for a bottle of wine (I've been dry nearly 6 weeks - very stupid), but luckily my father came running after me and stopped me. I guess he could have saved my life. I had some Diazepam about midday, so having the wine could have killed me.

I hate being sober. I'm just a 'dry drunk'. It's no fun. I would love to be able to just sit in a restaurant with a glass of wine with my partner, like everyone else, or sit in front of a film at home with a glass or two, having not drank all week, as is the pattern with most 'moderate' drinkers. Or even *gasp* occasionally consume more, if it is a special occasion like a wedding or party. I am very introverted, and I used to rely on being tipsy (not drunk) to get me on the dancefloor. I know I shouldn't have to, but it is just my personality and I am very self-consicious. I hate my anxiety condition for changing things down the line that made me need it, every day, eventually 24/7. I asked my partner to get my prescription for me today, just so I didn't have to witness everyone buying their Friday wine. I know if I have a glass, the tension would dissipate in an instant, I would moderate for a few weeks, scared of a relapse, but fast forward a couple of months, and I'll be back in rehab, or worse, hospital. I go to AA meetings, and everyone is so nice, but I am always the youngest there by decades and feel I cannot connect with the whole 'higher power' thing, not being very religious myself.

My main worry is the Diazepam situation though, and how on earth I can cope with being aware of my breath 24/7 and my crippling anxiety once I come off it. I have had CBT, I'm currently seeing a psychotherapist, I've seen a psychiatrist, tried antidepressants (which make me feel like topping myself even more), and I am beside myself with desperation.

22-02-14, 10:50
Hi Catherine,

You are going through a hard time right now. So sorry. You are doing all the right things...but its still going to be difficult.
Hopefully your GP will agree to put up the pregabalin dose. 75mgs a day is VERY low. I have read that pregabalin is used to help people come off diazepam.

Have you been referred to yet? To ADAS. Some people dont connect with AA but please keep going to meetings. A very close friend of mine has been dry for 7 years and is very involved with AA. It took her a long time to get to the first "step".....acceptance.

We are all here to support you but as I am not an alcoholic I do not understand addiction.

Keep strong Sarah