View Full Version : Really bad night, need advice!

21-02-14, 23:59

I've been really worried lately about ovarian C and I'm hoping someone can help talk me down.
I can't remember how long I've felt this way, but for some time I've noticed I've had stomach discomfort. It's a feeling of my stomach being like knotted, or tight, and I need to sit down and sort of force myself to relax it before it feels right. Sort of like feeling bloated.
Anyway, I'd not paid a huge amount of attention to it, just thought it was normal for me.
Then I read an article about ovarian C and all hell has broken loose in my head.
The past week I've had a shooting pain a few inches to the right of my belly button, maybe a centimetre down. I've had the pain every day, every now and then throughout the day.
I know no one can diagnose, but I'm wondering two things, if anyone can help.
The first is, is it bloat if you can pinch or squeeze it easily? I've put a bit of weight on my tummy and I just can't tell. I read somewhere if it's squeezable it's fat. Does anyone know?
The other is, can ovary pain even be that high? Or is it much further down than what I'm experiencing?
I'm going to the doctors on Wednesday anyway but I really need some advice. I've been on a Google frenzy and got myself upset. I've deliberately not googled the types of abdominal pain that goes with ovarian C, that would send me over the edge. But I'm just wondering if anyone has anything similar to these types of stabbing pains.
Sorry for the rant, and any replies hugely appreciated x

22-02-14, 03:14
The only solid advice I can give you is to not jump to conclusions :)

You did state that you have stomch discomfort that feels like your stomach is knotted or tight, and that the only way to make it 'feel right' is to sit and relax. That gives a bit of an indication that your discomfort may be due to tension rather than something awful like the big C. Also, remember that shooting pains in that area can be due to quite a few things - it could be due to tension, anxiety, digestion problems, food intolerance, constipation, etc.

I know it's hard not to think of the worst sometimes when we are in pain, but the only person who can tell you what is going on is the doc who you will be visiting shortly :) Let us know how it goes!

22-02-14, 03:22
What is your age?
Please keep in mind that ovarian cancer is largely a disease of old age. It is nearly always diagnosed in post-menopausal women. It is very rare in women of reproductive age. When they get it, there is usually a strong genetic component (as in, their moms or sisters had it, and had it young).

Additionally, the reason it's got such a terrible prognosis is because it is usually diagnosed at a late stage, and the reason for that is because early on, it has very,very subtle symptoms, which are very easy to miss (or more often, no discernable symptoms).

More likely, I'd say you have an ovarian cyst, or something like a twisted fallopian tube, or endometriosis, or possibly something bowel-related. IBS, for example, causes cramping and bloating, and at least to me, the cramps sometimes feel like they are coming from my uterus or ovaries, when in fact they are coming from my lower bowels. It can be hard to tell the difference.

22-02-14, 09:47
:hugs: I just wanted to send you a hug as I can empathise with you and how you're feeling x

22-02-14, 09:48
Thanks for these replies.
I'm 26. I know it's incredibly rare in younger women. It's just still stuck in my head. No one in my family has a history of breast or ovarian cancer,both of which heighten the risk factor. Apparently taking the pill decreases your chances, which I do.
The stuff I've read on my ridiculous Google attack last night says a main symptom is needing to urinate frequently or feeling as though you haven't been when you have. Don't have that. Trouble eating or loss of appetite, don't have. So I feel a little better about that.
Also, I wouldn't describe it as lower abdominal pain. It's inline with my tummy. Not pelvic or hip area or anything, which I would associate with ovary pain.
Is it possible I've brought it on? With my constant focus on the area?
The stories I read about these women and their symptoms were pretty severe. Not all of them, but most, had rapid bloating over a few weeks to the point they looked fully pregnant. I guess that's the type of bloating to be worried about.
But I am still worried!
Why did I have to read that post on Facebook!
I've totally lost control the last week and majorly last night. Feel gutted, totally deflated and scared. Sick :( x

---------- Post added at 09:48 ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 ----------

Thanks hetty x

22-02-14, 11:30
Anxiety is a funny thing, and unfortunately you can actually 'bring on' symptoms when you focus on certain problems or areas. anxiety causes your body to be on 'high alert'. This means that your body looks out for any sign of danger, and notices every small, iny change that it wouldn't normally notice. This means that you could actually just be feeling normal feelings at a magnified level that people wouldn't generally notice.

It is hard not to worry sometimes, and we all know that too well. The best advice anyone can give is to relax, try and be logical, and go to the doctor if you are still really worried after a few days.

22-02-14, 13:02
I can relate as this is one of my worries at the moment but I actually have the symptoms that go with it other than bloating. Need to urinate, indigestion, trouble eating, loss of appetite etc :(

22-02-14, 13:25
LF, I find that for me, when I google symptoms I bring them on. I will get one of five and keep right on looking, poking and prodding until I have at least one more. At that pointm my anxiety soars. I am predicting the future, fortune telling. I try to y'all to those irrational thoughts, using CBT. Once I figure out the irrational thought, I journal about it. 90% of the time, I can talk myself down and let my rational mind take over. Do you ever try this technique and if so, how does it work for you?

22-02-14, 15:39
Thanks guys.
This could have somrthing to do with being overly focused, as it came on suspiciously after reading about ovarian C and abdominal pain. Never had anything like this until I read about stuff, and even then I don't know if it's possible to be ovary related as it's quite far up.
It's really bugging me though. If it was there before, I've never noticed.
Tanner, I don't really know what sort of stuff to journal? I've had zero CBT so far with this, don't know where to start?
Can we imagine or bring pains on?x

22-02-14, 15:42
For what it's worth (hope this doesn't trigger more panic), my friend died of ovarian cancer at age 40, leaving behind five children under twelve years old.
She was an adoptee, and therefore did not have access to her family history.
Her doctors told her that ovarian cancer was incredibly rare at her age, and that if she had ever sought her birth family, she would no doubt have found there was a genetic component, a family history of having this disease at a young age.
She had no symptoms beforehand, and initially went to the doctor because she had been constipated and had not pooped for days.
The cancer was already stage three by then, and had spread to her bowels and other organs.
She lasted a couple of years, but died in hospice in 2009.

This just illustrates what a rarity it is in young women, and how there are virtually no symptoms until the cancer is far advanced.

22-02-14, 16:57
That's awful, sorry to hear. Thank you for sharing this. It's reassuring to know the doctors thought it was likely inherited. None of the women in my family have had ovarian problems, as far as I know.
I don't even know why I'm linking the pains with my ovaries. The pains I have read about with ovarian C seem to be around the pelvis or the hips, or the lower back and thighs. Mine is like the type of pain you'd associate with wind, hunger constipation. That sort of thing.
Why can't I just be like my friends? Or family? People I know don't panic about aches and pains unless theyre really bad. Everyone is getting a bit angry with me about it all now.x

22-02-14, 18:40
Hi I have also been suffering with this fear (read my previous posts), as others have said my gp also said that its extremely rare, ive had the pains coming from hips, and frequent urination, no bloating or loss of appetite, and I was utterly convinced I had cancer, because of my worrying my gp gave me the blood test ca125 a couple of weeks ago and all came back normal, the relief was amazing. You dont have ovarian cancer but go the doctors they will put your mind at rest x

22-02-14, 18:56
Just remember that even if that CA125 test comes back elevated, it does NOT necessarily mean ovarian cancer. There are many reasons that it could. It just means you may need further investigation.

23-02-14, 07:15
By imagining and focusing on things we can actually bring on pains and discomfort. It's a funny thing, anxiety! As long as you are checking in with your doc, try not to worry about it (I know, a silly thing to say to anxiety sufferers, haha). Your doctor will be able to feel around for any abnormalities and will tell you if there's anything they are worried about. But it really does sound to me like an anxiety related pain - anxiety can cause stomach and intestinal discomfort, as well as random pains if you are worried/focused about a particular area or tense. After your doc has taken a look and told you what they think, ask whether it could be related to anxiety and what you can do about it :)

23-02-14, 12:25
Thanks for these replies.
Clare, I read through your previous posts and I honestly don't think I could handle waiting for the test results. I had routine bloods done recently and was totally demented waiting to hear.
Speaking of tests, my thyroid result was slightly elevated. Now I've started thinking about it I'm totally freaked out it's got something to do with my ovaries! I'm really driving myself loopy. I've never been this bad with Google. I can't stop myself and I'm becoming more convinced there's something serious going on.
The doctor said the thyroid result was nothing to worry about as it's only slight and I would be retested in 3 months. But I'm still freaking out.
If I had a serious illness would my bloods show abnormalities? Some sites say yes, some no. Does anyone know?
Argh, this is dreadful x

23-02-14, 12:33
I've no idea and would like to know as I had routine bloods about two months ago which were 'perfect' in the words of the dr. I am a 'fit and healthy women' so why don't I feel like that???

23-02-14, 14:56
I've no idea and would like to know as I had routine bloods about two months ago which were 'perfect' in the words of the dr. I am a 'fit and healthy women' so why don't I feel like that???

Because your mind is not fit and healthy.
We are all suffering from a very real psychological illness, one which many medical doctors do not understand or take seriously.

23-02-14, 19:37
Does anyone know about the blood test thing? X

23-02-14, 19:43
Does anyone know about the blood test thing? X

Was your doctor concerned? I have to assume not. If the doctors aren't concerned, you shouldn't be either.

Positive thoughts

23-02-14, 19:57
No not concerned.
But then I don't know of they would be alerted to anything just from a routine blood test?
That's what I'm curious about.
Having a really bad time. The last week has just been a write off.x

23-02-14, 20:06
No not concerned.
But then I don't know of they would be alerted to anything just from a routine blood test?
That's what I'm curious about.
Having a really bad time. The last week has just been a write off.x

I interpreted this: "Speaking of tests, my thyroid result was slightly elevated. Now I've started thinking about it I'm totally freaked out it's got something to do with my ovaries! I'm really driving myself loopy. I've never been this bad with Google. I can't stop myself and I'm becoming more convinced there's something serious going on." as being concerned.

Sorry you're having a tough time :( Hope you feel better soon

Positive thoughts

23-02-14, 22:49
A routine blood test can reveal a lot of information to doctors. If there's anything at all your doctor was worried about they would tell you and do further tests. A routine blood test will generally alert as to any sign of infection because you will have elevated IgE levels. This would be cause for further investigation.

23-02-14, 23:45
Sorry fishman, I meant no the doctor wasn't concerned, not me. As always I'm on nuclear worry levels!
Anthrokid, thanks again for replying. Yeah, I guess they are there to indicate whether or not you're in good health. I wish I could get some peace of mind from that, but then the big question marks jump all over it.
I so wish I hadn't read that article. I need to be able to get this under control. Everytime a get a twinge or pain in my stomach I panic.x

24-02-14, 00:22
It is hard, I understand. But I guess we can't take back what we've already read. Remember, twinges of pain in your stomach are more likely to be from digestion than anything else!

24-02-14, 00:25
I feel like that about articals I read years ago. I generally don;t read stuff intentionally now but went through a bad phase years ago like everyone else seems to about googling and reading articals and it made me a mess. But even though this stuff is years ago it sticks in the back of your mind till you're feeling low and pops up again. I've got a bad memory yet can seem to remember all these stories almost word for word!