View Full Version : Does this toddler look like their having a seizure in this video?

22-02-14, 01:43
Hi there, I'v been very worried about my neice, she is 19 months, and I'v just seen this video of her, she was dancing to music, then she stares blankly for 10 or more seconds, I read about it online and it says absence seizure, could this be it?

The part that worries me is that in the beginning she makes this shaking noise, then not long after the blank stare happens just as the music is ending, also how can she go from playing with the scarf and then blank?
The video freezes, but after shes just playing around normally, but the problem is, this isnt the first time I noticed this,

Not sure if this is normal or not, please have a chat with me, too scared!
did your children do this?

heres the vid,

link deleted now :)

22-02-14, 02:15
She looked perfectly fine to me but if you're worried show it to a health professional.

22-02-14, 02:35
She looked perfectly fine to me but if you're worried show it to a health professional.

Do kids stare blankly without it being something sinister?

22-02-14, 03:00
My son is 20 months old and yes he stars blankly often. They just day dream. My son will dance and run around then do the same thing. She looks perfectly normal to me.

22-02-14, 03:08
No, I have a 2 year old, and that looks normal.
They often get weird when a camera is pointing at them.
Coincidentally, this was one of my big "anxieties" when my son was about a year old. He went through a phase where he twitched a lot in his sleep, and I thought he was having seizures. I took him to the doctor for it, and she told me to try to get it on video and bring it to her. But right after that, he stopped doing it. In the end, I just chalked it up to teething and having a few restless nights.
When I was worries about it, though, I did some research, and apparently after a seizure (even petit mal), kids will be very tired. How does she act after this video? Does she lay down or take a nap? If she acts normally, I would not worry about it at all.
Besides being a mom, I am a preschool teacher (for the past twenty years), and I have a degree in early child development, and I see nothing troubling or worrisome in her behavior here.
But by all means, show the video to her pediatrician, if it will put your mind at ease.
I suspect they will reassure you and decline to do any testing on the basis of this video.

* edited to add: I often stared blankly as a child, and sometimes would not hear people talking to me while I was staring. I would not respond. My mom (a nurse) suspected seizures and took me to the doctor, but it wasn't seizures. I was just deep in thought, or else zoned out (I was later diagnosed with ADD).
I do have a younger sister with epilepsy, and her seizures are nothing like this video. And for the record, I still stare blankly into space with my eyes unfocused when I'm tired or stressed out, or just at odd moments sometimes. I am not aware of thinking about anything while I do it; it's like my brain is just taking a time-out. My husband teases me about it, lol.

22-02-14, 08:36
She looks perfectly normal to me. All children do this especially if they are distracted by something such as a video camera.

22-02-14, 12:51
Now people have reassured you I would delete the link from your post or delete this post.

The parents may not take kindly to you uploading a video that the whole world can see.

23-02-14, 07:22
This isn't unusual for young children. Toddlers and kids often stop and stare blankly or lose focus. I'm an adult and I still do this.