View Full Version : Update On Hypnosis

23-11-06, 19:07
Hiya guys......Today was my first session of Hypnosis.
I was very nervous about goin and when i got there i was quiet upset...( i think i got upset because i was scared) I think even maybe scared of getting better...i have had panic attacks for 20yrs now....but for the past 3 months it has been on goin. I have about 3-4 panic attacks a day.sO REALLY I HAVE FALLEN INTO THIS HABBIT OF FEELING DOWN AND PANICKY.
Anyway......when i was talking to him while upset...he explained to me....that this is not goin to happen over night...(which i do understand) and that i have to work with him.....He gave me some good advice....Everymorning i wake up with terrible anxiety it runs into early afternoon...then by evening i'm fine...so he told me ...If i can.....even if i don't really feel like it....just pretend ur happy and fine...wake up and say toself..."wow what a lovely day", "today i feel great".
I have been sayin it to myself since and it works....i feel kinda crap inside...but if i keep repeating it actually sinks in:D
Then he starts to Hypnotise....GREAT GREAT GREAT. I feel a lot better just after 1 session.....Pls if u wants help i highly recommend Hypno.
If u live Close to Bedfordshire....this is where i go.....He sees ppl around the world....http://www.hypnosis-expert.com/

24-11-06, 00:23
Hi D3
Thanks for letting us know, I was keen to see how you got on through our previous threads. I too suffer morning anxiety..sounds very logical what he says..Im going to try it tommorow morning. Ive started reading Clare weeks and that reeeely helpful.
I would love to try Hypnotherapy but there are so many Cowboys in the business its hard to know who's really good (maybe Paul Mckenna but can't quite afford him LOL)
You'll have to ask him can he recommend anyone in the Devon area!!!
Im so gald you were okish but maybe it was good for him to see how bad things were for you xxx
keep in touch

24-11-06, 11:49
Hi mate - thanks for the update - have been waiting to hear how it went - and I am in Bedfordshire!!!

***Fall down 7 times - stand up 8 times***

24-11-06, 14:33
Hiya another good-ish morning for me...better than usual.:D
My next session is on Tuesday. Because i have had this for 20yrs now he can't actually tell how many sessions it will take for this to be over......but his wise words really go along way.
Oh wow i have ordered Clare Weekes....bit scared thats she wont work....but many people on here swear by her.
What kinda of stuff does she talk about? does she give u tips?.... I have a slight problem with Obsessive Thoughts.
Hey mooks i will ask him about a hypno is devon...... :D
And taffy did u click the link?

24-11-06, 17:45
yeah D3 ask him if he can recommend one in Devon...
Clare Weeks ive started to read once you get over the fact she calls it a 'nrevous breakdown' it makes hell of a lot of sense...
In fact ive been putting some of what she says into use and hey this morning I had only brief anxiety....
we'll keep each other informed....

24-11-06, 20:10
Oh great thanks..... i can't wait to read it now....i hope it works......i hate this i feel kinda desperate now. its like....give me anything pls...i just want to get better. The only thing i can't/won't do is meds. They just don't agree with me.

Everyday i take 2 "quiet life" tablets....they r fab! they just relax me...and i'm on multi vits and magnesium & vit b6. all from health shop.....so far they all good too.

It does seem to be never ending though[|)]