View Full Version : Thinking the worst

22-02-14, 08:28
I have not been feeling well for a couple of weeks now pains under my left rib and back also my lower left back feeling a bit sick soar throat also started with constipation and now my stools have been a bit funny looking too .I have been to my doctors 3 times in 2 weeks I took a urine sample in to him to check he said it was fine and he had a look over me my blood pressure was fine he felt my abdomen and said it felt fine . I went to see him again and told him I want him to send me for some scans i dont think he realy wanted to send me so he is arranging for some scans on my mid section but it can take a few weeks for appointment now I dont know if to go private for a scan or just wait . I have even been thinking of going to a&e saying iam in bad pain to see if they would do a scan on my straight away iam feeling so fed up and scared. I have felt like this before lots of times not the exact same symtoms and I know I suffer from health anxiety but dont know what to do I also think iam loosing weight but too scared to weight myself incase .

22-02-14, 15:31
Anyone ? iam also getting acid reflux now .

22-02-14, 18:42
I get acid reflux too, particularly when I have an IBS flare up. It sounds like you have indigestion? Have you tried antacids?


22-02-14, 20:18
Yes my doctor has put me on omeprozel been on it for a couple of days but still geting it my mind is all over the place thinking the worst I have just started taking doulsapin again after being off it for 9 months why do I have to think the worst .

22-02-14, 20:40
My therapist calls it "catastrophising", some people with anxiety do it. Sometimes there is relief in thinking the worst, I think it's a way we try to control life's unpredictability. X

22-02-14, 23:46
Yes its catastrophic thinking - somehow we think we are better off by having an expectation of disaster because then it will be easier to cope with and less of a shock. But in reality, disaster rarely comes and instead we make ourselves sick with worry as we anticipate the 'inevitable' event. Plus, even if disaster arises, worrying about it or not worrying rarely makes a difference to the outcome.

23-02-14, 08:44
Thinking of going to a&e dont know if I can cope with the worry any more if I have got a serious illness there mighnt be a chance they can do something for me dont know what to do .

23-02-14, 10:15
I've got tummy problems too and acid indigestion and pains, nausea etc etc. my GP just says it's all anxiety linked, which I can't believe! I've been on esomeprazole for a while now and he has now made me start taking citalopram ( I say made as I've been fighting against it for ages as I am so pill phobic). I am also asking some diazepam whilst I build up the dosage on the cit. I have to admit that I am obsessed with every sensation and catastrophising is my thing. I am terrified of anything medical and suffer from HA of the avoidance variety! I'm sure all your problems are probably anxiety linked. It is proven that the brain and gut are linked and my GP said it's very common to have digestive problems with severe anxiety ...pity I can't quite believe him! But that's anxiety for you. Hope you feel better soon x

23-02-14, 11:24
Hi thanks for your reply jillyb I have kept a diary of my previous ha attacks and have had a lot of the same symtoms but I think this time it could be real I have to phone up tomorrow for an upper abdominal scan appointment I hope it is soon and it comes back ok. In the last 15 years I have had lots of tests a cystoscope a colonoscope chest x rays back x ray kidney and bladder ultrasound lots of blood tests stool sample tests . When will it end so fed up with thinking this way.

23-02-14, 15:40
I too have gad many tests over the years. The worry from the tests makes it all worse but I felt I must have them. I know that what I'm looking for is a cast iron 'you are okay' but no one gets that, we have to live with uncertainty, which is something I find really difficult. I am doing CBT again, I think I need a refresher! I know reassurance seeking is unhelpful and googling a big no no, but I have been doing that and making my stomach, ribs and chest hurt. :(

---------- Post added at 15:40 ---------- Previous post was at 15:39 ----------

Had not gad!

Round in circles
23-02-14, 20:49
The first thing I thought when I read your initial post was that it sounded like acid reflux, then noticed your second post.

I'm not a medical person, just someone who's had acid reflux for years. It causes me lots of chest pains, back pains, sore throats etc. It can be a giant pain in the.. Stomach :winks:

I understand the whole pill phobia. I'm massively distrustful of medications, freaking out over the side effects listed in leaflets.

If it is acid reflux, it might be aggravated by certain food or drink. Hope you feel better soon :)