View Full Version : i never get a days break :(

22-02-14, 09:03
im feeling soo down and stressed and never get a break my mind is going crazy wish this would all stop someone help x

22-02-14, 11:24
Hi Hayley,

I'm so sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. We are all here to listen and you are always welcome to vent if you need to!

I'm having a hard time myself at the moment - I've given up drinking, as I was using it to 'self-medicate', and it had become way out of hand, to the point where my health was seriously at risk. I've now been dry about 6 weeks, and like you, I feel like I get no respite, and hate sitting with my emotions 24/7.

If you don't mind me asking, what is it specifically that is making you stressed and down? I understand if it's personal and you don't want to say.

The best thing I have found is to keep myself busy. I enjoy playing the piano, or just going out for a walk - a bit of fresh air and exercise can work wonders. Or picking up the phone and chatting to a relative or friend. I have a habit of saying 'I'm ok', if someone asks me how I am, but I received some advice at an AA meeting the other day - don't say this - be honest. Say 'I've had a pretty crappy day, actually', which will lead to further conversation. I used to worry that I would be viewed as a complainer, but you will find that most people are sympathetic and understanding. As my signature says 'those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind'.

Are you on any medication for your condition? Or have you tried CBT/psychotherapy/counselling?

I will be thinking of you. Sending lots of big hugs your way. Hang in there - you are stronger than you think you are. <3

Catherine x

22-02-14, 11:30
well done for coming of the drink that must have been hard. I just feel like i never get a break. i dont cope with no stress and everything is stressful at the mo. im on mirtazapine and olanzapine but ive taken an extra dose today as cant calm down :(

22-02-14, 11:48
Thank you, Hayley. <3

I still get the cravings every day, but I am not wasting the effort it took to get my one month sobriety chip if it kills me!

I don't cope with stress, either. For me it was stressful situation = drink = downward spiral. I'm feeling stressed today and, believe it or not, I have to move house! I'm just keeping out of the way at the moment, as the removal men are around.

Are Mirtazapine and Olanzapine antidepressants? I haven't heard about the second one. I've just started Pregabalin 75mg, but it is doing nothing for me. I'm still on Diazepam, unfortunately - the doctor told me to taper down gradually, but due to a bad domestic with my partner last Sunday, I too took more and now don't have enough to carry out the taper as suggested by the GP. Despite this, I cannot obtain any more. This could well be to blame for my anxiety.

I really hope things improve for you soon. I'm no expert, but would the GP be able to increase your dosage if you feel it is no longer working? It sounds like this may be an option open to you, anyway.

Do you live on your own, or is there anyone who can look after you and try to distract you or calm you down? I have some relaxation CDs I have used in the past, and have tried visualisation exercises before (like imagining you are in a log cabin in the mountains, or on the beach), and these can help you escape from reality, if only for a brief moment. If you feel your mind wander, don't panic, just return to it when you are ready. I find this helps more with ongoing anxiety than acute panic attacks, though.

If you ever need to talk, just shoot me a PM. We are all here for you! :hugs: x

23-02-14, 19:00
Doesn't sound like a good mix of medications to me, I would ask for some better meds.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

24-02-14, 20:12
like everyone says we can only support you. like literally through words. i want to save you like i know everyone else wants to save me. my problem is alcohol only makes me feel sort of normal. do what you need thatll take you away from your depression and power through. we're all dying srsly