View Full Version : Feel a mess

22-02-14, 09:56
I had a poor nights sleep last night, tossing and turning. But today I look as white as a sheet, my eyes are so heavy and I feel like death itself.
I'm not poorly but I just feel utterly exhausted.
I've got a few bruises on my legs which I noticed the other day and no idea where they came from. Done are faint yellow, one is quite big on my thigh and was a little bit purple/blue. Today I've noticed another yellowish round small bruise.
I had blood tests (standard, nothing special) when I had a period of bruises before and all were perfect apart from low ferritin.
I've had indigestion and bloated stomach for as long as I can remember.
I'm just a complete mess. I have zero energy. My ears are ringing badly.
Is there any rational explanation here?

22-02-14, 10:05
I've got an explanation

You had a poor nights sleep and you're suffering from anxuety. Seriously everything there is down to your sleep. Bruises.... I have bruises all the time and I dunno where they've come from, I don't think that's a worry. I've never been worried about them, should I be?

Are you on any type of medication or having any cbt? xx

22-02-14, 10:11
I'm not on medication no, I'm not a fan I'm afraid.
I've had cbt and counselling in the past.
I'm feeling quite overwhelmed, my mind just can't switch off. So many things to do, so little time.
I'm sat trying to stomach my breakfast watching people jogging past and wishing I had just an ounce of energy they've got. I feel like a new born deer today. All quivery and weak.
Children, work, divorce, and all this health business on top. I can't take any more really. I should be out in the garden enjoying the sunshine today but I haven't got the strength.

22-02-14, 10:14
Pretty much feeling the same way mummyanxious. Just a message to say you're not on your own.
I might try and force myself to get out somewhere. Can lift the spirits sometimes.
Hope you feel better x

22-02-14, 10:18
You're exhausted because you're constantly stressed, you need to take some action, take responsibility for how you feel and do something about it if you want to feel better.

Here's a really good guide to stress management, there's loads of tips in here you can take note of and use:


22-02-14, 10:24
Thanks HL ill take a look x

---------- Post added at 10:24 ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 ----------

What doesn't help is every time I see friends they tell me I've lost more weight which makes me worry even more :(

22-02-14, 10:30
Mummy you know at this stage that it's not what they say that matters, but your reaction to it. It's your anxiety and worrying that's keeping you where you are.

I really think you should go back to CBT and relearn everything about unhealthy thought patterns.

22-02-14, 11:01
I'm not on medication no, I'm not a fan I'm afraid.
I've had cbt and counselling in the past.
I'm feeling quite overwhelmed, my mind just can't switch off. So many things to do, so little time.
I'm sat trying to stomach my breakfast watching people jogging past and wishing I had just an ounce of energy they've got. I feel like a new born deer today. All quivery and weak.
Children, work, divorce, and all this health business on top. I can't take any more really. I should be out in the garden enjoying the sunshine today but I haven't got the strength.

yeah medication is not the answer, I overcame my anxiety naturally. I recommend, camomile tea, exercise, relaxing music, breathing exercises and finding hobbies which you will enjoy and stick to :)
Nothing better doing activities you really love

22-02-14, 15:03
And I'll put in a plug for medication here, which gets a bad rap sometimes :). Often the resistance to medication is part of the very health anxiety we're trying to get past, not any reasoned decision, and it's perfectly reasonable to take a medication when we're ill in order to get better or feel better as we do--I hope we wouldn't tell people with pneumonia or post-surgical pain not to take medication.

As long as we're adults, it's an individual choice, of course, but I hate hearing somebody post here who's been buried under HA for a long time but won't allow themselves to try one of the tools to get better.

22-02-14, 15:08
I will defend myself by saying I have tried medication in the past and for me the side effects were worse than the anxiety itself. I know in most cases they are temporary but I didn't like it.
I am going through a bad patch, I've had many bad patches in my life which eventually I've come out of in the end. Hopefully this is just another blip.

22-02-14, 15:44
Hope you feel better soon mummy a x

22-02-14, 16:15
Mummy, you need to be more proactive about getting better. This isn't a blip, you've been posting here almost weekly since you joined months ago - all of those can't be simply blips. You're caught up in your health anixety, if you actually want to get better then you must address it. You need to be honest with yourself.

23-02-14, 19:19
Do you take iron tablets .?

23-02-14, 19:51
I had a course cags but they messed badly with my tummy. This was a couple of months back.