View Full Version : why do i feel so angry am i going mad

22-02-14, 11:26
I am aware as soon as I wake up I feel angry and my body is so tense trying g not to feel or think angry I feel like I am going mad it scared me so much and been fighting it a week or more to the point I had a massive panic attack that lasted hours I ave suffered forty yrs but this is the first time I ave ever ended up a&e I thought I was goi g to die I felt could not fight no more I have been battling since I was 12yr old now58 I no I have been under so much stress for a couple yrs major family upset it was like everything was been thrown at me it WS one problem on top of another until I have felt I have been living on my nerves I am agoraphobic to a point of not even go to my daughters next door so if there any conflict in my home I can not take a walk away I am constantly stook here I got to a point were I have wanted to cry and had to hold it in as my 22yr old son gets so upset he hates to see me cry yet some times you feel you need to cry to release some emoition could all this be making me angry always trying to hold my self together so afraid of going mad and lashing out sorry about long post just needed to talk thanks guys x