View Full Version : Ultrasound Today for Lump

22-02-14, 12:20
Over a month since I saw my GP with a lump in the testicle and it's my ultrasound today.

Not coping too well with it, bouncing off walls and into anxiety overdrive. Assuming worst case scenario and looking at survival rates, anaesthetic risks etc etc (you get my drift)

Sorry, the urge to rant!

22-02-14, 16:57
I hope it's gone ok - let us know.


22-02-14, 17:14
It's most probably a cyst. I have one in my testicle area. I used to catch it sometimes and it was painful, but after having various consultants prod, poke and squeeze it (boy did that hurt) they said it was nothing to worry about. I never had it taken out, it's still there to my knowledge, but I've not caught it for it to hurt anymore.

That's not to say yours is the same and you're doing the right thing by getting it seen to. Always get these things looked at early when you have the best chances of treatment, if anything is needed.

Hope to hear how you got on.

25-02-14, 14:43
Well...it went well and kinda didn't!

The ultrasound technician couldn't find the lump and said she it didn't look like anything out of the ordinary and told me to see my GP in a weeks time (which still has me worrying she missed the lump!) but I guess these guys are professionals.

So there's a mild level of doubt but I trust the NHS, always been good to me and hopefully I can grow stronger out of the experience

25-02-14, 15:19
I had to have an ultrasound of my breast when I was a teenager and the same thing happened, technician couldn't find the lump. My reason was hormonal, it would shrink during mid cycle and flare up before my monthly. Easier said then done, you just have to take your mind off it. What is searching for survival rates and risks going to tell you about the future, diddily squat. Focus on the present.