View Full Version : HIV Concern

22-02-14, 12:58
Hi all,

This story will sound ridiculous but this fear has been all I can think about since last night and I really need your advice

So last night I went out with some friends to the pub to get some food. Shortly before our food arrived I went to the loos to go wash my hands and in the toilets I saw a member of staff in the toilets using the urinal. No problems so far. He then leaves the toilets without washing his hands, raising a few question marks for me.

I then go sit back down and within two minutes the same guy has just served us our meals. I ate mine anyway as I didn't want to cause a scene in front of my friends, but I'm now seriously regretting this.

My question is - could I have picked up anything from him touching our plates/knives/forks? If there was dried semen on his hands could this have been transferred to our plates? In typing this out I can see how this seems ridiculous but I need some peace of mind. Should I go see a doctor??

22-02-14, 13:09
I teach health and science. There is NO way you can get HIV like this! The virus dies when exposed to the air. Also urine is sterile you could actually drink it and be okay. Even if there was sperm in his hand(which there wasn't) you cannot get HIV this way. There are only 3 ways you can get HIV: sexual contact, sharing needles, and breast feeding. That's it end of story. Imagine how many people would have HIV if it were this easily transferable.

22-02-14, 13:26
HIV is a fragile virus. In the incredibly unlikely event that HIV infected semen was on this man's hands the virus would have died in the air long before it went anywhere near your food. Even if semen was on the food the virus is not easily transmitted through ingestion anyway.

Are you seeing a therapist at the moment? Have you discussed this with them?

22-02-14, 13:37
I don't have a therapist but my doctor suggested I go to counselling sessions. Thanks for your reassurance guys :blush:

22-02-14, 13:50
Yes, I would definitely explore your health/infection worries with a counsellor. They can help you keep these kinds of unhelpful thoughts in check.

22-02-14, 14:31
Hi all,

This story will sound ridiculous but this fear has been all I can think about since last night and I really need your advice

So last night I went out with some friends to the pub to get some food. Shortly before our food arrived I went to the loos to go wash my hands and in the toilets I saw a member of staff in the toilets using the urinal. No problems so far. He then leaves the toilets without washing his hands, raising a few question marks for me.

I then go sit back down and within two minutes the same guy has just served us our meals. I ate mine anyway as I didn't want to cause a scene in front of my friends, but I'm now seriously regretting this.

My question is - could I have picked up anything from him touching our plates/knives/forks? If there was dried semen on his hands could this have been transferred to our plates? In typing this out I can see how this seems ridiculous but I need some peace of mind. Should I go see a doctor??

If hiv spread that way, we'd all have it.