View Full Version : feel like gravity is pulling me down muscle twitches

22-02-14, 13:11
hi all of last year i suffered a lot of anxiety and stress over some problems i had any way about six weeks ago i started getting some physical symptoms that as lasted everyday and night for six weeks here is a list of symptoms i have had my body feels heavy like gravity is pulling me down i get this feeling when sitting down walking and lying down, pressure in head, muscle twitchs/jerks, muscle cramps can't concentrate properly, memory loss today the symptoms are feeling a little bit better i have a had all blood work done a brain mri all normal the doctor said depression/anxeity could that cause all this they put me on sertraline two weeks ago
as anyone else had similar symptoms if so how long did they last for:yesyes:

22-02-14, 13:33
Welcome Alfiea! I think that you will find that many people on here have had all of those symptoms and more. I had all of them at one time or another. It really is amazing what symptoms can arise from anxiety and depression. Our mind/body connection is a powerful thing.
The good news is that there is hope. Find the people's posts on the forum that you identify with, people who have some recovery going for themselves. Constant reassurance, while it feels good at the time, never seems to last for long. Acceptance of the symptoms as anxiety related is the key. The more attention that we pay to our symptoms, the bigger that they get and the more they rage on.
What kind of help are you getting for your anxiety? Treatment for and tackling the anxiety is what will make the symptoms get better.
Good luck on your journey.

22-02-14, 13:42
Please take note: all the muscle twitches you experience are happening because your senses of become heightened, I experienced a lot of twitching during my time with anxiety - there's nothing to worry about - you will not come to any harm and they will soon go when you start to feel more in control