View Full Version : muscle twitching in leg

22-02-14, 13:32

the past couple of days like little bits of my leg keep twitching all of a sudden and it's like all day really, i notice it more when i'm just sat still because i'm probably thinking about it a lot more and i'm conscious of it. but i'm worried it's due to something serious…

what do you think? can anxiety cause this?

22-02-14, 13:34
Absolutely, anxiety can cause this. You, yourself said that it seems to be when you are paying more attention to the symptoms.

22-02-14, 13:39
Yes I get this too. Lots of people with and without anxiety have muscle twitches. Mine seen worse at night or when I'm relaxing too but it's just because we notice it more. Totally normal :)

22-02-14, 13:39

the past couple of days like little bits of my leg keep twitching all of a sudden and it's like all day really, i notice it more when i'm just sat still because i'm probably thinking about it a lot more and i'm conscious of it. but i'm worried it's due to something serious…

what do you think? can anxiety cause this?

Yup it's definitely anxiety! my brother also experienced anxiety at one stage and his leg twitched all the time, he then made a big mistake by reading about potential muscle wasting diseases while looking up online etc - not a smart move.
This creates more anxiety and so on - so you can see it's just fear of the fear. Your senses have become heightened, it's normal to feel twitches :)

22-02-14, 13:39
Absolutely, anxiety can cause this. You, yourself said that it seems to be when you are paying more attention to the symptoms.

It's just quite annoying really! I keep thinking it's something wrong with my brain or something… sounds silly, I know! Just worried agh. Thanks for replying !

22-02-14, 14:18
I can vouch that this is definitely anxiety, and one of my most common symptoms, and sometimes it's accompanied by numbness or even cramps. Personally, it sometimes still causes havoc for me, but I've found that massaging the area helps, and sometimes stretching my toes toward my legs (placebo effect? maybe, but whatever works).