View Full Version : Hello, I'm New

22-02-14, 13:37

I'm new, & I suffer with anxiety & depression. I'm currently feeling extremely isolated, alone & rapidly reaching crisis point.

I'm prescribed mirtazapine 45mg, amitriptyline 20mg & propranolol 20mg, I am also having CBT sessions.

I'm trying to avoid being signed off of work, but the more I suffer, the more I cut myself off from people, the worse I get.

Hoping for some advise / support, please.

22-02-14, 13:44
Welcome to NMP, Danielle. I have found many understanding people on this site, who have given me a great deal of help. I don't know how long you have been on the medications but it often takes quite awhile for them to kick in. There is plenty of hope for recovery, so don't give up. I have found that acceptance is the key in me getting better.
How far along are you with the CBT course and how are you using it?

22-02-14, 15:04
Thank you for replying.

I have been on medication for over 2 years now. I'm 5 CBT sessions in, but am really struggling to make use of what I am learning, outside of the sessions. I don't appear to be able to voice how hard I'm finding everything, & because my sessions are few & far between (not through choice) so far my anxiety is only being elevated. I know you have to give these things time, & I am trying to work my way through modules / exercises available online for CBT.

22-02-14, 15:56
Hi Danielle, welcome to NMP