View Full Version : Can anyone help? Swollen lymph node armpit :(

22-02-14, 14:52
Hi everyone, I have gotten myself in a state about a swollen lymph node under my arm. I found it a week ago and of course spent a whole week driving myself mad on google convincing myself that I have breast cancer or lymphoma :weep:
My mum had breast cancer so im at higher risk of getting it and her getting breast cancer was what started my health anxiety.

Has anyone had a swollen lymph node in their arm pit and they were sent for tests? The node is smaller than a pea and isnt fixed. I honestly thought the doctor would look at it and tell me its fine and send me home. But the first thing she asked was is their breast cancer in my family. Then she said that she needs to refer me to the breast clinic to get the node ultrasounded to be sure its nothing sinister.

I am 27 years old and im terrified. Im trying so hard not to google and convince myself of the worst. If anyone else has experienced this id be grateful for any advice/support.

Thanks xxxxxxx

22-02-14, 15:56
Just for context, I've had lymph nodes swell in my armpits, neck and elsewhere several times in my life, and so will you. That's because they're there to do a job just like every other part of our bodies, and when they do that job they swell. Yes it is one of the symptoms of lymphoma, but it's a symptom we all get all the time; if you had lymphoma you would have other symptoms, which I'm not going to suggest googling as because you're an anxiety sufferer you'll suddenly find them!

Your doctor is sending you for tests to be on the safe side. You might only have a 0.1% chance of having something like that, but 0% is much better than that.

I have a lymph node right now. I'm fine!

22-02-14, 19:19
Thank you Serenity. Im trying to hard to stay calm but its difficult and google is sooooo easy to access arghhh!! Breast cancer is my biggest fear right now. I dont know when the appointment will be and iv so much time between now and then to drive myself mad thinking the worst :( xxx

23-02-14, 07:19
I've also had quite a few swollen lymph nodes in my time. Particularly in my groin and armpits. I also have a history of breast cancer in my family, however, none of my nodes or blood tests have ever indicated cancer. Your doctor is doing the best thing by referring for a scan because on the very rare chance that it could be cancer, it will be picked up very early and will be very treatable. Try not to panic. Your lymph nodes tend to swell in response to viral infections, so it is possible that you've just had a virus and your lymph node has swollen a bit in response.

23-02-14, 12:55
Thanks for your reply. On google it says that if you arent showing any signs of infection that its more worrying. I havent been ill in anyway and the lymph node is swollen :/ im just so scared right now and its hard not to think the worst :( xxx

23-02-14, 22:36
I had one swell in my groin just two weeks ago. No reason, no sickness or anything. Doctor had a look, did some blood tests, did more blood tests - absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. Don't consult google, the only person who is qualified to tell you exactly what is wrong is a doctor. Google includes information from everywhere - just because it is on a 'medical' site doesn't mean it had been written by someone with medical knowledge.

I know it's hard not to think the worst, and that's okay. If you have to think the worst, remember, it is a very small swelling and the doctor has sent you very early to get scans JUST IN CASE. In the UNLIKELY instance that it is breast cancer, it will be caught very early and you'll be treated for it.

26-02-14, 16:47
Iv got myself terrified about lymphoma now. I hate this :(

26-02-14, 22:33
Have you had any blood tests recently?

27-02-14, 00:59
I would just like to throw my 2 pence in with a similar experience I had two years ago, after my lovely dog of 17 year's sadly passed away causing my anxiety to trigger, I noticed a small lump on the inside of my groin and before you know it i was Sherlock Google...

i pulled out all sort's of scary diagnostics, so I decided to book a trip to my GP, he examined the lump and confirmed it to be a lymph node, he then proceeded to check for more and felt quite a few and told me to feel also, he told me that in some people it's normal to feel them and that they are not swollen or enlarged some people simply have bigger node's it might be that like me you have discovered these node's and blow it out of proportion, i have two large lymph node's on both side's of my armpit's one in my right groin and one on the right side of my neck that are all very easy to feel and it's been this way for two years

I suggest a check in with your local doctor so he can evaluate and take blood for testing.

28-02-14, 15:46
I havent had bloods done no :( the doctor is referring me to the breast clinic to get it ultrasounded because my mum had breast cancer. Im so scared that its either hiv, lymphoma or cancer :( im driving myself mad with worry xx

28-02-14, 18:05

28-02-14, 18:09
thanks hun :) xx