View Full Version : First time Forum User and Very Scared!!

Anne P
22-02-14, 17:45
I am so pleased i have found this website. I have been on Citorplam for over 15 months now. But at the moment i just feel so empty and useless. I try so hard to feel upbeat but at the moment i honestly feel like i have a black storm cloud on my right shoulder. I have a lovely home and a good job two very attractive daughters so why am i so down...i have no idea. My eldest daughter is a teacher and is doing well in her chosen profession and it worries me that she has not had a relationship for over a year. Her last one ended well but at the end of uni she and he felt it was time to move on and didnt want a long distance relationship. She is very beautiful and clever but i do worry about her alot...crazy isnt it!! My youngest daughter is doing well at uni and lives at home she has a lovely boyfriend but sometimes they argue but they do seem to be working through. But i worry about her all the time and sometimes my worry can last all day. I dont want to feel like i do and desperatly want to be normal and not have "worry thoughts" in my head. I love my husband very much but i must be driving him mad. Please can i have some advice or thoughts from fellow members. Right now i am so very fed up i feel so low. I have been to my doctor and he says i am on the right dose. But now i wonder if this drug after 15 months is causing rather then solving my feelings.:weep:

22-02-14, 18:05
I've only just started citalopram for anxiety so I can't comment on your dosage. I suppose the truth is that there will always be worries in everyone's lives because, well, that's life! I always worry about my kids, grown up though they are! They have always been my 'raison d'être' and I suppose, like most mums, their happiness is so important to us and we just want to protect. But we can't, we can only be there for them when they need us. My daughter is a teacher too. I don't know if your daughter is a primary school teacher but many of my daughter's friends have found it difficult to meet men, as there are so few male primary school teachers. It's not like working in a big organisation. I'm sure your daughter will meet someone special, especially if she joins things like a gym etc. Perhaps she's happy being single! My youngest son has just got engaged to an Aussie girl. She's lovely, but I know they will be moving back to Oz (he lived there for 3 years) and I'm dreading it. It tore my heart out when he was there before and knowing they will settle there is really difficult for me ..it's so far. Can you have some CBT? If you can't get it through your GP there are online courses or Anxiety UK have CBT practioners at reasonable rates, either face to face if there is one near you, or via webcam or phone. It's so difficult letting go ..I wish mine were back in the pram! Take care x

22-02-14, 18:48
Hi i have been on Citalopram for about 2 years now,and i still have my very low moments it works very well but there are times when i get down despite the cit,its how you get through them that matter most recently i got low due to a bad thing happening at work and hit the bottle as i felt low.

Obviously that was not good and i have now kicked myself and stopped.

You may go into feelings of low points just with the humdrum of everyday life the cit will balance you out if it works well for you,or it may be worth asking your GP about changing your meds.

I am trying to balance out my low points now with the thought it will pass which it has done in the past,its a hard one to beat for sure.

My dose is 40mg a day which seems to be ok for me most of the time,My GP increased my dose several times so it would seem hit and miss what is the right dose,its probably worth a chat again with them, as it may not be working as well as it should.

Regards Richard.:)