View Full Version : Blood transfusion worries

22-02-14, 18:09
I had an operation two weeks ago and needed a blood transfusion, I had three units of blood. Im now worried sick that the blood I have been given may have come from someone who has cancer but doesnt know. Im so stressed that I have cancer cells floating around in me. Please dont get me wrong Im grateful that people donate blood and Im not being selfish I just have this fear I have been given more than blood. I dont know why I do this to myself, I try so hard to be sensible, I just cannot block stupid worries from invading my thoughts.

22-02-14, 18:20
There is no recorded instance of anybody getting cancer from a blood transfusion.

22-02-14, 20:15
With the screenings and tests that are done these days prior to the blood even getting to the point of use, there is no way you can get any disease from donated blood and Althea is right. It's impossible to get cancer from a blood transfusion.

Positive thoughts

22-02-14, 23:57
You cannot get cancer from blood transfusions, plus blood is screened for all sorts of stuff, and heat treated. I am sure you will be fine. I had a massive blood transfusion when my son was born, and the same things went thru my mind, but I understand more about it now and it isn't a worry.

23-02-14, 00:00
My mum worked for the NHS national blood transfusion service in Brentwood, and I remember a time when I was given a white jacket and hair protector and was given a tour of how its all done from donor to packet of blood. Believe me there is NO way that what you have suggested can happen, I can remember the blood being spun in machines (something to with separating the blood somehow) and they screen and process the blood through stringent measures, its all rocket science to me but the process that it goes through is kinda lengthy, and you can be assured that these guys knew exactly what they were doing. Sorry its kind of brief, but wasn't too interested in it when I was young being shown, but what I saw was very over the top but for a thorough reason! No worries here!:)

23-02-14, 07:04
The others who have commented are right, and have been quite informative, especially Alex. Every blood donation is meticulously screened to ensure that only clean, safe and problem free blood is kept. All of the different blood components are separated (as Alex explained) and screened. The blood you get in a transfusion is the best of the best! I've actually also read a few medical journal articles on this topic. Research shows that before blood was so meticulously screened, EVEN patients who recieved blood from someone with undiagnosed cancer at the time of the transfusion DID NOT get cancer from the blood. Now that there are such strict rules, screening questions and testing on the blood before the transfusion I expect there would be no chance of cancer being transfered through a blood transfusion. Pretty reassuring stuff :)

23-02-14, 21:41
Thank you for replying everyone, I know it's just me being silly. I think once Im feeling better and more myself I will be able to think rationally, well I hope so:D

23-02-14, 21:49
You've been through an operation, it's a stressful time for anyone, don't beat yourself up about it. But as above, you've got nothing to worry about in the blood department!