View Full Version : Can someone please help to calm me down?!

22-02-14, 18:41
I'm sorry to start a new post so soon after my last one but I've just come home and got out of the car to be hit by the smell of burning something that is not wood!!! Maybe plastic or something?! My one year old daughter has just breathed this in and now I'm petrified for her health!! What if what was being burned was poisonous or cancer causing?!

22-02-14, 19:01
As long as you didn't have your head in the fire I'm sure both of your bodies can handle a slight increase in pollutants :)

22-02-14, 19:04
It was very strong, that can't be healthy for a one year old?!

22-02-14, 19:20
I have a fire in my house and my two year old sister is perfectly fine with it, but I'm not a doctor :)

22-02-14, 19:21
But it was a smell of burning plastic or something?

22-02-14, 19:31
Someone might have just been having a fire to get rid of old stuff that they no longer want, some people do it in the fields near to where I live and sometimes I can smell plastic and things, even when I'm in my house the smell still gets in, the thought of it being dangerous to me or my children never crosses my mind,

22-02-14, 19:35
I work in a preschool (which my child also attends) which is located in a major urban area, next to a very busy street.
The playground is fenced off of course, but we often get odd gasoline, burning plastic/rubber, or deisel smells wafting onto the playground.
I am sure it is not particularly healthy for the children, but this is the world we live in, and it has never actually made anyone ill, not even the asthmatics.
I would not worry about a transient odor. If it didn't make you sick, it won't likely make your child sick either... and even if it did make her nauseated or something, there would be no long term effects.

22-02-14, 19:45
Feeling slightly calmer, thank you for your reassurance. I feel like I might google and terrify myself so will try not to! She was outside for less than a minute as I rushed her straight in

22-02-14, 20:26
I live in a pretty rural area and I can tell you the smells we come across (manure, methane, Pepe le Pew, pig and cow farms etc.) are just as noxious. I lived in a big city and the smells coming from the factories, cars and trucks etc. are equally as noxious and all perfectly normal and won't cause you any harm regardless of age.

Positive thoughts