View Full Version : as one symptom lessens the other worsens

22-02-14, 18:47
Since leaving hospital I've found a few symptoms I had have simply vanished into thin air. But with this seems to have come a price as my main symptom chest pain is getting so much worse ugh I'm so tired of this. I miss normality. I miss not having this fear. I miss not fearing that everyday could be my last. 20 ecgs 18 where clear. 5 bloods all clear and a
Normal echocardiogram. Why wont my stupid brain just relax for once..

22-02-14, 20:31
Kurtis, I know you're still suffering, and I'm sorry for that, but boy, does this sound like an improvement to me! You've identified the real enemy instead of the decoys it's trying to distract you with. That's a tough big step, and I'm impressed with your taking it.

Did they give you a referral for your anxiety?

22-02-14, 22:00
I'm on.a waiting list for cbt and have been given beta blockers which don't really help. If it wasn't for the chest pain I would feel normal again. My other symptoms have all but gone. A clear echo has put my mind at ease with the ectopics

22-02-14, 23:40
What was the result/diagnosis at the hospital? I take it they didn't do an angiogram?

I had that cardiac workup I mentioned and the result was negative thank goodness! My chest still hurts. Feel like I've been a fight and got punched. BUT... it's as I suspected... "scanxiety" and possibly acid reflux. I've been put on a stronger acid reducer.

While you're waiting on the CBT, why not try the free course here. I've found it quite helpful in general and with the depression I was dealing with a little while back.


Positive thoughts

22-02-14, 23:56
I hate it. A month ago I thought I was having a heart attack everyday. Chest pains. Shortness of breath numb arms. Nausea. I get a stress ECG done and a cardiologist thinking he's being punkd as a joke says.. "why are you even here? The fact you did the treadmill test for 15 minutes tells me you don't have an blockages.. your graphics are consistant except a few extra beats here and there which is totally normal. Your blood preassure is good. Rest pulse good.. i don't see any reason to conduct any further tests"

symptoms disappeared overnight..

now I'm locked subconsciously that the pain in my lower right to mid abdomen is a product of colon cancer..

am I possessed by some angry symptom demon ?

I'm going yet again to a specialist on march 4th to discuss my symptoms even though my ultra sound passed and my red blood cell count is perfect.

so Yea i totally relate to you. It's annouying that you accomplish one problem and another shows its head. Mentally draining and tiresome... a year ago I was a normal healthy 32 year old that didn't have a care in the world.

So yea. You aren't alone bud.

23-02-14, 00:37
Kurtis! You are sounding much, much better!!! I foresee a future dragon slayer in the making!!!

23-02-14, 00:46
Well the only reason I was kept in hospital was due to fact I kept fallling over in the end they put that down to a raddically reduced diet. I prettty much went from eating like Crap to complete health food junkie just like that. But they still won't diagnose my chest pain. I would be happy with a stress test but there so reluctant

---------- Post added at 00:46 ---------- Previous post was at 00:44 ----------

Lol thank you toomuch. Truth is I feel so much better its just the pain that's still lingering. But I'm trying to just ignore it

23-02-14, 00:51
And, ignoring it, my friend, will cause it to lessen and lessen over time.

I've been there. Living proof. :)

23-02-14, 01:31
...I kept fallling over.... I prettty much went from eating like Crap to complete health food junkie just like that.

Usually, the opposite causes that to happen ;) Glad it was nothing serious.

Positive thoughts

23-02-14, 02:22
Kurtis, I know you're still suffering, and I'm sorry for that, but boy, does this sound like an improvement to me! You've identified the real enemy instead of the decoys it's trying to distract you with. That's a tough big step, and I'm impressed with your taking it.

Did they give you a referral for your anxiety?

I love this description.
Our anxiety disorder IS the real enemy.
All the other fears are just decoys. Our anxiety is attempting to distract us with them, to prevent us from addressing the real problem.
I remember when I thought I had tongue cancer, thinking, "Once I get this resolved, I really need to see the doctor about my anxiety disorder."
But once it was resolved (the doctor said I didn't have tongue cancer), I immediately began to think I had another type of cancer, so I never did get around to seeing the doctor about the anxiety disorder.
This forum has helped me realize that I need to address the real demon- the anxiety- and stop being distracted by these decoys. Once the anxiety is treated, I now believe that all the rest of these things will fade away. They were never real, but the anxiety definitely is. It's a real disease, and I've left it untreated for too long.
I wish you all the best of luck in overcoming it.