View Full Version : Not your typical newbie.

22-02-14, 21:56

I read somewhere that most people start getting these panic attacks in their late teens and through their 20's; imagine how surprised I was to start mine in my late 40's. I had been feeling generally unwell for about a month and then suddenly I felt worse and eventually it came to a head, a full blown panic attack that resulted in me going to the Emergency Room. I didn't know I had had a PA until I had another one, and another one and another one - I must've had four in quick succesion - I was terrified, said my farewells to my parents in England and told my husband how much I loved him 'cos I thought my time had come. Anyway, I've been feeling bad ever since, headachey, disorientated, slight nausea and palpitations, almost as if another attack is looming, I wish it would just come so I can get it over with, does anyone else get like this? Is this normal? This has changed so much about me, good and bad. I gave up smoking 11 days ago because I developed a fear of cigarettes, every puff felt like a wave of death washing over me, I used to love smoking - I have also lost about 15lbs because my appetite is suddenly non-existant, all the foods I used to get excited about I really don't care for anymore. I want the old me back (minus the smoking of course) Anyway, that's my experience and I am now going to read some of yours... Good to meet you, Salome.

22-02-14, 22:00
Mine started in my 40's too although I do remember having a few panic attacks when I was 16 but they never caused me to feel as ill as I did when they hit in my 40's. All of the symptoms you listed are typical anxiety symptoms. You have come to the right place for support. Welcome to NMP :)