View Full Version : Is anyone there to talk/so scared

23-02-14, 01:04
Been doing so well for a while now....but since last night my heart started racing
and it's been over 100 bpm then suddenly drops to the 70s it lasted
for 30 minutes last night:huh:
It's started again tonight from 11.10pm and still happening now going up to
over 100 then dropping to 70s then just when I feel ok it's goes up again
feel scared and confused why this is happening, I do suffer from pms and my period is due anytime but it's been a few months since I've felt like this before
a period....I also have episodes of feeling breathless to the point of fighting
for my breath and can only breathe after I bring up fluid of my lungs, this even
wakes me up suddenly racing heart and not being able to breathe ( have often
posted on here in the night when this as happened)
I suffer from lupus and have had a heart scan last year because of these episodes but that came back ok, I am due to see a neurologist next week
because my short term memory is so bad and I get confused also which does
happen sometimes with the racing heart and breathing problems
Can anyone relate to any of this
Thank you for taking the time to read my post

24-02-14, 19:07
i hope this can calm you down. i was driving my girlfriend to the airport and felt like you on the freeway going 85mph. I literally looked death in the eye.

04-04-14, 18:50
I can chat Manda xx