View Full Version : hello

23-02-14, 09:52
Hi everyone I am new to this but hoping this will help me get over my health anxiety. Im am in my 20s and before I had a operation I was fine, sine then all I do is worry about getting sick and dying. I cant switch off from it. Every week I have a new 'illness' a new type of cancer to worry about. At the moment I have multiple pains in different parts of my body which I know is ridiculous but I can't switch off from. At night I just think of my partner and little girl being without me or not being diagnosed with cancer till it is to late and being told I have just weeks to live. I dont want to go on medication so hoping this website will help me through it.

blue moon
23-02-14, 11:58
Hi:D welcome to nmp,hope you find friends and enjoy all it has to offer

Petra x

25-02-14, 02:11
Hi Miss anxiety,
I can relate to you I also have health anxiety. It started 15 years ago after the birth of my daughter. Each new pain or symptom was a new disease (and I am still perfectly healthy) I got better for a few year and 6 months ago after a surgery it was hell for me again. The first time I tried to control it without medication but this time was too much for me and I started zoloft. You should talk to your doctor there are ways to feel better and CBT is one of them. One more thing, everytime I started to have bad anxiety was after searching my symptoms on internet so try not to do it, you always have the worst case scenario and we are not doctors to rule out those diseases. There is a health anxiety forum here but I have never dared going on it knowing I would get very stressed.
Take care :)

25-02-14, 23:43
Thanks for your reply helana8888 its so nice to know that you're not on your own with this. I can't go on the health anxiety forum either as I would just panic more and after reading symptoms of illness I always tend to start getting pains ect all paranoia I know, but it all feels real to me. If I get to a certain point I will have to go doctors but at the moment I really want to try and overcome it on my own. I also worry once you have told the doc you have got anxiety that in future when you go with a problem they will just blame the HAD,which scares me. The last few days I haven't had the sick feeling of worry so feeling positive I can get over this at the moment but who knows what tomorrow will be like x

26-02-14, 06:56
I used to have those pains and aches that were so real that in my mind it was impossible that it was nothing. I had a MRI, blood tests, everything was normal but still I could not tell myself it was anxiety only.
I have now learnt to deal with the symptoms that used to scare me because I am thinking 15 years down the road if it was something serious I would probably not be here anymore. I am now struggling with new "feelings" I have in my body :blush:. One thing is sure, when I exercise I feel much better.
Take one day at a time, if you are feeling better today don't think about tomorrow ! Take care

26-02-14, 22:00
What new feelings have you got I know there are a lot of anxiety symptoms but do you get pains/problemswith body that you are paranoid about, like I get bad period pains every day and I think this is due to me being scared about cervical cancer. I also have other pains in different part of body that are not symptom of anxiety eg chest pains panic attacks dizzines but aching in my ribs ect hope you understand what I mean x

27-02-14, 04:09
I had a sinus surgery that had complications but was fixed later. From there I developped anxiety about my nose and breathing. I know it is completely irrational because I have no more problems but still ...
The pains that you mention chest pains, panic attacks, dizzines are definitely symptoms of anxiety. I also have pain in my ribs and in my back because of the tighness of the muscles (I also have period like pain on and off but I have regular pap smear so I don't get worried about that). There are so many symptoms that take turn to come out. All these don't scare me anymore because I experienced most of them for many years and I know it is only anxiety. I lived like that for years with an almost constant anxiety but ultimately I got better and the past few years have been almost anxiety free until my surgery. While I never had the wish to take medecine before because it was bearable, this time round it was too much for me to handle.
I would advise you to get some councelling so you can tackle the problem at the start and improve your quality of life. Take care