View Full Version : So scared of HIV and postal testing? (long, but please read and help)

23-02-14, 14:29
Hi All

My anxiety is currently running high all around my fear I have HIV. It is impacting on my life. I am scared to share cups with my children, and am constantly checking everything I do so I don't pass it onto them.

I have suffered like this before, which was 3.5 years ago after having my daughter. Again I had a massive fear of HIV and that I had got it in hospital after having my daughter as there was some blood on the loo seat. I couldn't remember if it was mine or someone elses, and so the spiral began and I then thought I had picked up HIV from a public toilet. What frightened me so much was that I had to have stitches after having my daughter and so in my mind I had an open wound to gain access. I did have a test in July 2010 for which was to reassure me about an incident in April 2010. It was negative as I had been told it would be and I was advised that I could not have got HIV from the scenarios I mentioned above.

So, 3.5 years have gone by and BOOM, my anxiety is back!

I have come up with the following scenarios as to how I could have got HIV this time:
1) on a night out a guy my friend was seeing bought us all a drink. He didn't like his so gave it to me. I drank it and now am worried what if he had cuts in his mouth and so did I (sore lips where they had been bleeding). This was in April 2012
2) Using the portaloo at a tough mudder event my husband was in in Sept 2013. The loos was disgusting and I remember seeing brown blobs on the plastic around the loo seat, but not on the loos seat. I am sure I hovered over the seat, but can remember
3) dropped a tampon on the floor at work (I work in a hospital), but had to use it. Now worried if it had dropped in body fluid with HIV it could have been transmitted inside me. Then to reassure myself I was the first to use the bathroom that day, a few hours later I went back to look in the bin. So, am worried if I had any cuts on my hand and their was something with HIV on it could have been transmitted, OR there was a needle in the bin that poked into me and I didn't realise. But logic tells me that I would have know about that - it would have hurt. This was 20 Jan 2014. My husband says this situation is absolutely no cause for concern and is not worried in the slightest by this.
4) Wet patch on toilet seat at work which I think was water from previous person flushing (cistern was still refilling when I went in). I went to the loo and now worried that I touched my bottom with toilet paper where I had sat on the wet patch and then wiped my bottom and again HIV could have been transmitted.
AND the final one - I have a few spots in my hair and am worried if I had somehow picked up HIV on my fingers and then accidentally scratched a spot and then applied pressure with my finger I could have transmitted it!

Please reassure me I have nothing to worry about. I have convinced myself a test is the only way out, and am considering getting one of the 28 day private postal ones, but am scared to. Also if I do I want a reputable good quality one. Has anyone used on of these and if so which did you use.

Thank you for reading my long ramble I really appreciate it. xx:weep:

23-02-14, 14:39
Oh dear I could have written this 5 years ago, obviously not the same but very similar...

I even gave up my career of being a hairdresser as I was worried when I was doing peoples hair they had cuts or spots on their scalp afnd their blood went into my cuts on my fingers etc etc

I am now 100% hiv anxiety free as I know I haven't got it, I can still be wary about things now and then, but sooo much better than I was

And too add, I don't think you have hiv at all

23-02-14, 15:08
Bless your heart. I am not doctor, but I don't think you could get HIV from any of the things you mentioned. From my understanding, once HIV is outside of the body it cannot survive long. See the information below from the CDC website, a government website, which is a very reliable source. I tried to post the link but it won't let me for some reason.

__________________________________________________ _
HIV does not survive long outside the human body (such as on surfaces), and it cannot reproduce. It is not spread by

Air or water.
Insects, including mosquitoes or ticks.
Saliva, tears, or sweat. There is no documented case of HIV being transmitted by spitting.
Casual contact like shaking hands or sharing dishes.
Closed-mouth or “social” kissing
Toilet seats.

HIV is not spread by day-to-day contact in the workplace, schools, or social settings. HIV is not spread through shaking hands, hugging, or a casual kiss. You cannot become infected from a toilet seat, a drinking fountain, a door knob, dishes, drinking glasses, food, cigarettes, pets, or insects.
HIV is not spread through the air, and it does not live long outside the body.

23-02-14, 15:46
Absolutely no way based on what you described have you even stood a remote chance of getting HIV. Even with skin to skin sexual contact (which is how 99% of HIV is contracted), Typically you have to expose yourself more than once to contract it. If you need further reassurance check out the website Madsmom suggested. The more you know about how the virus is transmitted, the less you'll worry.

Positive thoughts

The whole toilet seat thing reminds me of a Frank Zappa Song "Why Does it Hurt When I Pee?" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bm1NE1nw9SE) :D

23-02-14, 21:10
No way you can get HIV from a drink ........

25-02-14, 16:18
Thank you for your reassurance, it is much appreciated.

I was having a really good day today until I came into work. I had managed to start and rationalise my fear of how I had got HIV (or not). However, as I was walking up the stairs at work I passed a nurse on the stairs and I think a porter stood at the top of the stairs.

I small bit of white fluff (I think) floated past my face and shoulder. I have now managed to convince myself it was a drop of blood that has landed in my mouth and now i have HIV. I breath quite a bit through my mouth and was breathing like this when it happened. I have checked my mouth to see if I have any cuts which I dont think I do, but there is a little red patch on my bottom lip which I cant work out if its slightly sore and could have a minute opening. Could I get HIV this way? Some websites say yes, others no!

I'm two steps forward and three steps back.

I am starting CBT next week and hope it helps. x

25-02-14, 16:24
"white fluff" floating by you cannot cause HIV.

Positive thoughts

25-02-14, 16:29
I know, but what if it wasnt white stuff and it was blood.

If that was the scenario could I get HIV?

I know this seems crazy and irrational, but the fear rising in me is becoming unbearable. x

25-02-14, 16:40
I know, but what if it wasnt white stuff and it was blood.

If that was the scenario could I get HIV?

I know this seems crazy and irrational, but the fear rising in me is becoming unbearable. x

In all honesty, it's a totally irrational fear. If by the one in a 100 billion chance a scenario like that actually happened and you got sick you would be one for the record books and they'd be talking about you for years and years to come.

Hopefully, once you start CBT, you can get a grip on the Dragon and stop him from breathing fire up your tush ;)

Positive thoughts