View Full Version : AND the denial is back! Help me!

23-02-14, 14:45
Ok, so yesterday I found this site and felt really good and ok with the fact that I could have health anxiety. Amazingly, I had very few symptoms yesterday. I am not foolish into thinking that I was amazing cured from all of this in one day, but I am back to my old thoughts today.

I woke up and was feeling pretty good, I do have a cold and am not worried about it like I usually am because my husband also has the same cold. So it's reassuring that we both couldn't possibly have a terrible life threatening "cold" at the same time! haha

BUT and that's a big BUT, horrible symptoms started about 30 minutes ago. Feel like my throat is swelling and chest is crushing, shoulders and neck hurt and I am thinking to myself HOW could this be anxiety? I mean really I have been thinking of NOTHING. I have spent my morning so far drinking coffee, catching up on Facebook, and laughing at funny videos, posts and pictures. Not a worry in the world! So here I am now frantic and worried again that the doctors and EVERYONE is completely wrong about me. There is SOMETHING wrong with me and I am going to die. My husband, mother and daughter are going to be standing at my funeral telling everyone how "all the doctors told her it was anxiety and we believed it too. I wish we would have listened!" It's going to be too late! I am so pissed right now. For feeling this way, for hurting, for thinking this way. WHY? Why do I have to be this way? :weep:

23-02-14, 16:22
I know how you feel. Yesterday I was pretty much symptom free and today I just feel awfull. Sending virtual hugs your way

23-02-14, 16:40
I felt EXACTLY like you in 2005, when I first got anxiety. I made a list of my symptoms and demanded my doctor take me seriously. I *knew* something was very wrong. I couldn't see how anxiety could make me feel THAT awful. I thought I was dying. It got worse and worse, the pain was awful. This website helped me to accept that anxiety could and does make people feel very ill indeed. (I also read a great book Essential Help for your Nerves by Claire Weekes, this lists a lot of the symptoms we get.) I accepted I did have something wrong - anxiety. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy helped me and I have been mostly okay for years - until now, setback. I have started a CBT course again to get me through.

Anxiety can be truly horrible. Hope you feel better soon. X

23-02-14, 18:12
If you're generally anxious then just drinking the coffee could have brought the symptoms on, to be honest. I have friends who don't have anxiety but have taken 'breaks' from coffee for a few months because they started to get symptoms of anxiety!

It really is incredible how ill anxiety can make you feel, but it can. I would recommend getting your doctor to refer you for therapy.

Round in circles
23-02-14, 20:22
For me, I find anxiety is like a wave. One minute I can feel pleasantly okay then the next, a wave of anxiety crashes into me knocking me for six.

You said you were doing stuff on the computer before it happened. Could it be caused by hunching over at the computer? I know I get terrible posture when I'm browsing and the like which can give me lots of shoulder and back pain.