View Full Version : Message for MrDave and Forum Members

23-02-14, 15:43
Mr Dave and fellow Forum Members,

I have touched on in previous posts with regards to Fibromyalgia and how this illness causes so many symptoms that people on this Forum suffer from. I have suffered from Fibromyalgia for 12 years, can be very debilitating some times but it is manageable with the proper meds and I can still lead a near normal life. If you go to a website I am a member of www.inspire.com and go to the fibromyalgia section, look at a post by YellowHammer posted on Feb 20th called What are your Fibromyalgia Symptoms and read through the whole thread. I believe it will be an eye opener for many here and will offer many answers to questions raised here. I am in no way suggesting that this will be everybody's diagnosis, nor am I trying to advertise the site. I am hoping that in people reading this it may help in easing their fears of their symptoms as this is a very manageable illness and in no way a life threatening one and if it helps even 1 forum member realize that this may be their problem and they then get the diagnosis and get the treatment they require then this post will have done what it was intended for.

Hope all are well and enjoying a relaxing Sunday.


23-02-14, 18:07
My Mam has fibromyalgia and in my experience, when I'm under extreme stress the symptoms are basically the same.

Fibromyalgia is a disease of exclusion, like ME is. So what I would add here is that it's a good idea to exclude anxiety first (by curing the anxiety) and if you still feel bad when you're content with your life, that's when I'd start looking to a possible fibromyalgia diagnosis.

That's only my opinion, though. I just think the two disorders are extremely similar and can easily be confused, so it's probably just practical to get the anxiety treated first.

23-02-14, 19:07
I'm pretty confident that I don't have fibromyalgia, but I do think that there are some members here who probably do. If anyone suspects that they have fibromyalgia, I suggest going to a doctor who specializes in it and requesting pain relievers.

23-02-14, 19:24
I know two people who suffer with fibromyalgia, and honestly the stuff they go through seems so much worse than anything I've seen here. Not to say that no one here has it, it's definitely possible, but like harasgenster said, it would do *everyone* here a lot of good to treat their anxiety while exploring any other possible illnesses.