View Full Version : Pain in upper right side

23-02-14, 16:00
Keep having a dull ache in my upper right stomach from under ribs, some times pain goes to pelvis, I've noticed it aches more if I've been lying on my right side , any ideas anyone , just fed up of worrying about it, I did have some routine blood tests that came bk ok, do u think blood tests would show anything sinister? I have also got gallstones but I don't think this is causing ache.

23-02-14, 16:27
I get this all the time. My GP thinks it's muscular, it does feel muscular sometimes, but mostly it feels like something trapped under there - not painful, just uncomfortable but I worry about it too. I've had an xray of area, clear, and an upper abdo scan, also clear, but I get this niggle discomfort in right side still! If I am busy, or upright I don't feel it. Maybe it's another stress symptom.
X Claire x

23-02-14, 23:32
Hi Claire pain does sound similar to you, it sometimes feels like a pulling sensation about an inch under ribs on right hand side, nagging ache, but if I've slept on right hand side it can be really sore, sometimes I get pain in pelvis area too, like you I fear OC : ( if I press on the area it's quite sore.what are your symptoms? X x

23-02-14, 23:35
Sounds more digestive, really. Has the possibility of IBS ever been raised?

23-02-14, 23:44
Hi no nothing has been said about ibs, would that be upper right stomach? Do you know what symptoms are for ibs apart from upset stomach? I have gallstones but pain seems to low for gallstone pain x

23-02-14, 23:50
Pain and tenderness are very common with IBS as well as digestive disturbance, and given you've got more intestines in your abdomen than just about anything else, it can be felt just about anywhere. It's pretty common with anxiety sufferers, too.

I'm not saying that's what it is, just that that's always a possibility worth considering.

24-02-14, 04:49
Hi ive been to the doctor three days ago and this sound similar to my symptoms i had it last year and after 2 catscan and bllod test they didnt see anything and since my job now requires a little bit of force he put it down to muscular and also i have medicines for gastritis i still have this discomfort and pain