View Full Version : Cant Swallow Solid Foods

23-02-14, 17:18
Hello all, I'm sad to say that recently my anxiety has once again taken a turn for the worse. I should explain that I am 15 years old and male.

I had an incident a couple of months back where I was certain that food was stuck in my throat, this lead to a major panic attack. A few weeks after this solid food was becoming more and more difficult to eat. Which is where I am at now.I have had a barium swallow come back clear and a camera that they put up my nose, this also came back clear. But I can't for the life of me eat solid food. It feels as if it scratches and sticks in my throat, no matter what I do.

Now, I'm 5 feet 9 inches, and weigh around 6 stone. Which for my age is worrying, considering that I cant eat solids at all at the moment. My diet currently consists of: Soup, Ensure Shakes, Milkshakes, Chocolate, Small Amounts of toast, Small Amounts of cereal. Also I recently started taking medication for my anxiety, but at a really low dosage.

Just wondering if anybody has any useful info. Currently I seem to be getting panic attacks by the hour and just cant stop worrying that I will end up being tube fed in hospital (One of my biggest fears).

- Fazzz

23-02-14, 17:25
Hi Fazzz, I'm sorry to see you struggling so much at the moment.

I see you're taking medication, and having tests down to make sure everything is ok with your digestion - so I'm glad for you that you've been able to reach out and get some help with this, that's a very good start. It sounds like your medical team are looking after you well.

It sounds like the problem swallowing is a mental block, I have a friend who's mother in law had the same problem a few years ago. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can be really helpful for this kind of issue, is there any way that you could ask for some sessions to be set up for you?

I get the feeling that you might have had some issues with anxiety before the first choking incident? Do you find yourself a sensitive soul? You're amongst friends here, we'll support you on your way to better mental health :)

23-02-14, 17:33
Hi Fazzz, I'm sorry to see you struggling so much at the moment.

I see you're taking medication, and having tests down to make sure everything is ok with your digestion - so I'm glad for you that you've been able to reach out and get some help with this, that's a very good start. It sounds like your medical team are looking after you well.

It sounds like the problem swallowing is a mental block, I have a friend who's mother in law had the same problem a few years ago. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can be really helpful for this kind of issue, is there any way that you could ask for some sessions to be set up for you?

I get the feeling that you might have had some issues with anxiety before the first choking incident? Do you find yourself a sensitive soul? You're amongst friends here, we'll support you on your way to better mental health :)

Thank you for your reply. I'm 15 now and have had anxiety since I was around 11. I have had issues with breathing, brain and all kinds of HA in the past. However this is the worst as I am constantly feeling unwell due to lack of food.

And yes, I'm currently chasing CBT, but it's taking a while.