View Full Version : i laugh but.....

24-11-06, 01:35
hey ive just wrote this one am havin a really bad night so thought id put it on paper so to speak

I laugh but...

I laugh but deep inside i cry
I hit rockbottom, you think i'm high

How could you see behind my smile
Its been painted there for such a while

All my troubles hide inside
They are like a mountain high and wide

Its not your fault, you cannot know
If what i feel i do not show

You see theres more to this depression
The wish to end all this suppression

The anger you have never seen
Is more to me, its not a dream

A wish of death, desire to harm
Yet on the surface full of charms

A problem shared is not halved to me
In fact it turns at least to three

I share my feelings and then you are blue
A problem shared passed on to you

What causes me such grief such pain?
Will i truly smile again

As friends go i am sure i've many
But when i get low i have not any

Its true i can express others grief
And they stand back in disbelief

"How could you know the way i feel?"
How can i say it is not real

There is no god at least i think
Its no surprise people turn to drink

Its hard to look toward the future
When all you see is on your wrist a suture

The doctors just smile and say "there, there"
What do they know? why should they care

Police who say "this person is bad"
Neighbors who say "this person is mad"

Imaginary friends beat you up for a laugh
Then try to drown you in a bath!!!

Voices that tell you things so wierd
And yet you are convinced you heard

Tablets that make you sick and confused
If that is helping, you are doomed to lose

I could go on "please dont!!!", you scream
But sadly this is not a dream

It happens each day to so many of us
And its made worse when others make a fuss

hugs to all


Sue K with 5
24-11-06, 02:04
Kym this is a very touching poem and one that rings very true for most of us

Thank you for sharing, I do hope your pain eases



24-11-06, 07:34
Kym love true friends will always be there!!

I share my feelings and then you are blue
A problem shared passed on to you

No Kym its not passed on, people who truely want to listen will listen with empathy and not 'take on' how you feel

I could go on "please dont!!!", you scream
But sadly this is not a dream
No its not a dream and its awesome you have written this, we do not say do not go not go, its such an important aspect to express how you feel

Well done Kym, thank you for sharing and as Sue says yes we all can empathise and understand these feelings. When we are not at rock bottom its hard to truely remember the feelings but some of us have been there, some of us are there now. You are doing great Kym and I cannot reiterate enough how important it is to keep talking (says the hypercrite :D)

love Sax xxx

24-11-06, 18:47
Hi Kitty,

A very touching poem, Kitty you are very talented.

I hope things get better for you soon, sending you a HUG.



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"