View Full Version : What are your fibromyalgia symptoms?

23-02-14, 19:12
To those of you who've already been diagnosed with fibromyalgia:

Does your body ever surprise you with new symptoms? Or more intense symptoms than what you're accustomed to?

I've had fibro since 2003, but I wasn't diagnosed until 2005. In that time I went from one specialist to the next, not to mention in and out of hospital emergency rooms, in search of answers to what I thought was cancer, or meningitis, or appendicitis, or what-have-you.

So my diagnosis of fibro came as a relief, because I could at least end my constant state of panic.

BUT there were still times, shortly after diagnosis, when my body surprised me with new, intense forms of pain, which inevitably led to anxiety. Those were the days I'd come here to the No More Panic chat rooms and ask all my nervous questions.

As an aside, I don't know why, but the chat rooms don't seem to be working for me anymore these days. Anytime I enter the chat rooms, I always seem to be the only person there. Does no one use them anymore?

Anyway, back to my main issue:

Not since the time of my diagnosis have I been *this* anxious about my symptoms. I have new, disconcerting symptoms that I've never had before, which force me to wonder if something more serious is going on.

Specifically, for the last two months, all sorts of pain in my right hip (burning, stabbing, shooting, aching, etc.). The discomfort extents do my lower back (right side), right groin, and right side of the pelvis. Only in the last week or two have I also had cramping down the back of my right leg, pain under my right arm, and pain in the upper right region of my back. Most of this pain is echoed--very slightly--on the left side of my body too.

I've had physiotherapy, massage, and acupuncture, with little improvement. I've been to a GI specialist, and I've had an ultrasound to check for ovarian cysts as well. Everything turned out fine so far.

My doctor wanted me to give physio a try for another six weeks, but the pain was too intense for me to wait any longer. So last Friday I visited two walk-in clinics: Neither doctor was worried about my symptoms, but at my request one ordered blood work and the other ordered an x-ray of my hip.

I can't tell you how relieved I felt knowing I had finally been as proactive as I felt I needed to be, given the signals my body was sending me!

At the same time, I'm wondering: If you've been diagnosed with fibro, have you been surprised by new and worrying symptoms, especially after years of 'familiar' symptoms?

25-02-14, 23:49
I have chronic fatigue and I get a lot of pain when I'm having a flare up. The worst is my back, but I also get niggling sharp pains in all of my joints and bones. I take a supplement called enterrocare which really helps with my symptoms. It's a combination of a probiotic, prebitotic and natural anti inflammatory. I'm in the middle of a flare up at the moment and have increased my dosage which is helping a lot. Have you tried diet changes and natural supplements? I have found that seeing a naturopath has helped me immensely.

26-02-14, 01:39
I've been diagnosed with Fibro for a few years now, and I think I'm one of the lucky ones who has found it quite easy to manage, thankfully (although this may have to do with no longer suffering from anxiety as well). I still suffer terribly from fatigue and muscle/joint pain, but that's the worst of it these days. However, I got a bit of a shock the other night when my cat (only 10 months old) came to stand on my chest whilst I was lying in bed and hit my 'pressure points'. Oh the agony! I had forgotten how painful they were to the touch because I generally don't put pressure on them, duh! Who would have thought a little kitty could put so much pressure on my little tender spots, owwwieeee.