View Full Version : Tired of being scared

Round in circles
23-02-14, 20:04
I've had a small sore (about half an inch wide) on my leg for about a week. It started off as a spot, and being the idiot I am, I squeezed it, accidentally taking the skin off the top in the process. I've been having a difficult week with depression and so haven't been paying it much attention, but last night I noticed that it seemed larger than I remembered. It was also inflamed coupled with a dull ache. I put savlon on and covered it overnight in the hope it would look slightly better today and put my mind at rest.

Unfortunately all that did was remove the scab and now it looks even more red. I've also got a metallic taste in my mouth. I'm sitting here close to tears because I'm terrified that it might be something bad.

I know I'm being stupid.. Or at least am trying to tell myself that. I hate getting scared all the time. If I went to the pharmacist in the morning would they be able to tell me if it's fine, or do I need a doc appointment for that? It takes weeks for a non emergency appointment at my GP and I don't want to waste an appointment if it's not the right thing to do. I'm always so scared of wasting people's time, so I end up sitting here freaking out on my own.

I know I should have been more careful keeping the wound clean, but my depression was so bad I struggled to even get out of bed for a few days. So annoyed at myself right now.

23-02-14, 20:06
Try not too worry yourself - I can't resist the temptation to pick stuff too!
Just go to the pharmacist in the morning and see what they say? Hope you don't worry yourself too much - easier said than done I know. :(

23-02-14, 20:19
Hi Round in circles if your worried go and get it checked ,do you have a health centre were you can drop in ,im sure you will be ok whats the worst it could be an infection treated with antibiotics,but your not wasting peoples time try not to worry ,ìve had loads of lumps and bumps over the years xx

Round in circles
23-02-14, 20:31
Thanks for the replies :) I've decided that I'll go first thing to the chemist to see what the pharmacist says. I'm not aware of a local drop in centre I could go to unfortunately. It would be great if there was one, or at least one that I know about.

I'm sure my leg won't fall off overnight, I just have to convince the freaking out part of my brain now :D

23-02-14, 20:33
If you figure out how to do that - let me know?! :) lol! My area doesn't have a drop in centre either - be good if it did.

Round in circles
23-02-14, 21:20
Doh! Just noticed, there's a definite bump. I really hope I don't need antibiotics. My system is crazy sensitive to pretty much all drugs. *grumble* Sorry, sometimes a good moan helps lol.

23-02-14, 21:26
It sure does!!
Just think - even though the tablets play hell with you once there done the lump will be gone :) and I'm sure there's plenty of kitten videos on YouTube to keep your mind off the antibiotics ;)

Round in circles
23-02-14, 21:30
This is true.. I keep telling my cat that he grew up too fast. I miss the kitten stage.