View Full Version : I thought I was doing well until this weekend

23-02-14, 20:54
Hi guys,

I was beginning to feel my old self last week. But now I'm getting pain and coordination issues in my hands again (mostly my right), pain in arms and wrists, bad headaches, neck pain and jelly legs. Also have really tired eyes and my vision is weird, almost like television static in front of my vision. I got my eyes tested and they were fine, definitely no optic neuritis (MS is my fear of the moment).

I had hoped this anxiety would disappear as quickly as it appeared, though that's beginning to feel unlikely. The doctor has given me Amitriptyline 10mg which I might start taking.

Has anyone had these sort of symptoms and had success in getting rid of them? I just want my life back!

23-02-14, 21:02
Hi serenity unfortunatley anxiety doesnt go over night,it takes along time ,you need to relax as much as you can focus on other things not your symptoms,I had all them awful symptoms ,I was like you thought I had MS ,BT you name it I had it ,I had cbt aswell that with my meds really helped just take things easy you will get there xx

Round in circles
23-02-14, 21:13
I'm glad to hear you were feeling back to yourself recently Serenity. Hopefully this is just a blip on way back to "you". I know you want things back to normal now, but things happen in their own time. The more we push, the longer it seems to take.

23-02-14, 21:30
Thanks for the replies guys and girls, talking to you helpful souls on here is keeping me sane!

I forgot to mention I'm also getting dry, tired eyes all the time and a right lower eyelid twitch, which is really irritating!

I'm off work at the moment, I'm considering immersing myself in computer games next week to distract myself, I'm hoping after a week of not feeling anxious about anything the physical symptoms might again subside.

Whilst rationally I understand that the symptoms of what I'm worried about don't present this way, and that I have far more symptoms of anxiety than anything else, it's very difficult to feel like this in reality. If I hadn't googled my symptoms on that fateful day in January I'd be fine now, I know it. In two months I've been convinced beyond all doubt I've had at least five fatal or life changing illnesses now! It's odd as before this I've been the exact opposite, I never worried about anything regardless of how I was feeling. I used to google symptoms if I was curious about something and if the first results were serious things I used to just skip them because I never even considered them!

What's odd is I don't feel particularly anxious at the moment, other than about my health. In my life I've been through really stressful situations, in both personal and work lives that should - I'd have thought - produced a more anxious reaction comparative to now. In fact, when all this came on, I was in the most relaxed state of mind and had the least stress I'd had in years! I wish I could understand what was going on fully, but nobody seems to really be able to explain it. :(

Round in circles
23-02-14, 21:56
Don't try to make sense of anxiety. It will drive you mad! Hehe just kidding. I've had so many times when I've said to myself "I thought I was doing fine". As a fellow gamer, I heartily back a computer games fest :)

I suffer from dry eyes too. I use blink eye drops which help me a lot. They're so much easier than using eyewash and eye baths. No more dribbling it down my face!

23-02-14, 22:35
I use drops, trouble is I feel I need them again within a few minutes of taking them.

I'm not really a gamer tbh, but I do have a PS3 and unplayed games in which I may well be able to immerse myself for a few days. I hope it helps!

24-02-14, 22:09
Getting weird nerve pain all over my arms and legs today, always localised somewhere random for a few minutes. Can this really be anxiety?

Round in circles
24-02-14, 22:12
If you're subconsciously tensing up with anxiety then it definitely cause all manner of aches. I'm guilty of that myself. How's the ps3 gaming going?

24-02-14, 22:17
Getting weird nerve pain all over my arms and legs today, always localised somewhere random for a few minutes. Can this really be anxiety?

Hi Serenity the simple answer to that is yes ,its suprising what anxiety can do to you x

24-02-14, 22:24
If you're subconsciously tensing up with anxiety then it definitely cause all manner of aches. I'm guilty of that myself. How's the ps3 gaming going?

It didn't today, spent the morning at the dentist then the entire afternoon with a friend chewing over a business proposition. I was OK when I was distracted, says it all really!

24-02-14, 22:33

I too don't feel particularly anxious, nothing specific can start a little niggle and you focus on the physical effect, simple things like shopping can be awful. And you ask yourself 'why on earth am I feeling this way, it's only shopping'. But all you want to is get home.

You will feel better, but you have to give it time, I remember that someone this site analysed like this. It's not PC, and I don't advocate it, but in a way made sense.

A fat person didn't get fat overnight, so getting slim will take just as long if not longer.

24-02-14, 22:46
Thanks for the reply. In fact I'm the opposite: I'll do anything to get out and stay out as it takes my mind off the symptoms!

I know this will take time. I just wish I could accept beyond all doubt that it's anxiety!

24-02-14, 22:47
I think in the early stages we all think that.

24-02-14, 22:59
Doesn't anyone at all get better quickly and move on? :(