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23-02-14, 21:31
I've just noticed what appears to be a tiny, tiny mole on my son's chin, at the corner of his lower lip.
I thought it was dirt, or a scab, but it isn't.
It wasn't there yesterday! I am sure of it.
He is two years old.
Can a mole just pop up overnight??
My husband insists it's a scab, but I don't think so. It is flat.
He also has some little red bumps in the same area, but he commonly has these , because he drools in his sleep.
I'm so confused. It is very small, like a pencil point, like a tiny dark freckle.
But it is noticeable, and I would've seen it before now if it had been there.
Maybe it's a blackhead, a splinter, I don't know... but it definitely looks like a mole, and it wasn't there yesterday.
Can a mole pop up overnight, and what can this mean? Is it dangerous? Can a baby get skin cancer? He is rarely in the sun.
There is no way my husband is going to let me take him to the doctor over this, and I'm not sure what the doctor could do about it anyway. But it is eating away at me.
He is otherwise acting normal and healthy.
P!ease, p!ease help me. I am so scared right now. Panicking. I love him so much.

23-02-14, 21:38
Just think they gotta start growing moles sometimes...

My son had one pop up on his lower belly and I was so scared saying how can a mole POP up overnight, its now a weird shape and irregular edges, his is fine just a weird looking mole.

So yeah its common for kids to get new moles

But to be reassured get it checked out


23-02-14, 23:44
Please don't panic my daughter has 3 moles all seemed to appear out of the blue since she was 2. My little guy has one as well and he is 20 months. Babies aren't always born with moles they pop up throughout life. I must have 50+ I got new ones all during childhood, adolescence, young adult and lots more when I was pregnant. Perfectly normal!

24-02-14, 00:29
Yes my kids started to get them around 2. I was like you with my second one, thought it was a speck of dirt but still there a few months on. I must say the older one is getting more now and it did unsettle me to begin with. But they've got to appear some time?