View Full Version : Too late for flu shot???

23-02-14, 21:58
Hi, does anyone know if it's too late to get a flu shot? I typically haven't got one in the past, but on the news they are saying that while it used to be very serious for only the very young and very old, they are seeing more middle age people with serious flu as well. To top it off my step dad just told me about 2 young guys he knows died recently from flu that turned into pneumonia. He of course immediately apologized because he knew that would probably send me in a dither. Well it has me worried now and I think I want to go get a flu shot or is flu season almost over? :scared15:

Round in circles
23-02-14, 22:19
I think the flu shot takes about two weeks or so to be fully effective. Personally, I wouldn't bother. I avoid close contact with people I know who are sick during the flu season as I have a weak immune system. I also take garlic (which isn't everyone's cup of tea) and good old vitamin c and zinc.

23-02-14, 22:44
Hi, no it isn't too late to get the flu jab, well not at my GP surgery anyway, I had mine on Friday. x

23-02-14, 23:26
My daughter lives in Texas and she has been telling me all about the flu pandemic over there. She has only just had a baby so she was holed up for 3 weeks until it cleared a bit and was able to get the shots. I do think that if it's bad in your state then they would be more than happy to give it too you.

23-02-14, 23:45
While it's not likely to kill you, flu can put you out of commission for a few weeks, and I think that's well worth a shot to avoid! I think we toss the word "flu" around so much that people think it's like a cold and can soldier through it, and it'll lay you a lot lower than a cold will.

25-02-14, 15:02
I'm like a doctor when it comes to washing my hands, it's almost an obsession.. 2 factors made me get a flu shot this year when normally I never do. H1N1 has been running rampantIin the states and has been targeting people in my age range of 25-64 nearly all the severe complications have occurred in people who didn't get he shot and we're exposed. The way it was explained to me amd why I dI'd was you can be the best at washing your hands but you need to breathe and all it takesois someone with it in front of you at the store or bus or whatever to cough or sneeze and you can take it in.

I was actually getting anxiety about getting the flu so I just got the shot to eliminate that fear. It's not to late. The cdc says we still have a month or so of flu season left.