View Full Version : Living in constant fear

24-02-14, 06:28
Hi my name is Mitch and I have never been part of a forum like this but my hypochondria has gotten so bad that I do not know what else to do. It all started when I graduated from highschool. I had sex with a girl and i was terrified that i might have H.I.V or something like it. After experiencing "symptoms" and self checking myself everyday I went in and got tested for every STD out there. I had nothing... This got rid of the health anxiety for a month or so and this is where my latest rebound of health anxiety hit me again. One of my teachers from 7th grade died of a brain tumor a week ago and a few days after i started experiencing terrible headaches. I have had them for about 5 days now and it is starting to drive me insane. I took work off tomorrow in order to try to get better, but i do not see myself getting better. Every single thing that happens every slight pain I feel I go right to google and diagnose myself from there. My head is currently pounding as I type this. I am terrified and I do not know what to do.

24-02-14, 08:42
Hey Mitch,

Sounds like you've had a rough week, I'm sorry you're not feeling so well. I think the fact that you've made your way here and have recognised that you do suffer from anxiety is a great start.

I think your headaches may also be anxiety related considering they only started very recently after hearing of the passing of your old teacher. I don't think it is anything for you to panic yourself over - some anxiety sufferers here have constant headaches from their anxiety alone. I myself suffered from headaches continually for a few months at one stage when I was having very many panic attacks. It's really important to get lots of reast and try to relax. Remember, google is not your friend.

However, you could also get headaches from tension, lack of sleep or a slight virus. It sounds like something you are really worried about so maybe you should check in with your doctor for some reassurance.

26-02-14, 06:04
Thanks for replying. I still feel a bit scared the headaches have gone away for the most part they come back every now and again but they are not the all day headaches I was getting before. I still self check myself obsessively and every small flaw I find I freak out a little more. I try to eat healthy and I am still young. I use that to convince myself that nothing is wrong but I feel like I am detached from my body all day. I cannot live happily anymore and hypochondria kinda came out of nowhere for me and started running my life.

26-02-14, 07:35
After reading this site for a while the best advice I can offer is DON'T GOOGLE YOUR SYMPTOMS EVER!!!!! You are young - enjoy your life, worrying achieves nothing.

Should people with Health Anxiety keep a diary? Then after you've spent a year worrying about things that aren't there it might help you to think "F*ck it, I'm not worrying anymore - what will be will be".

26-02-14, 08:43
Hinone thing you will find with this site is that evetyone is so reassuring and supportive, I joined about 3 weeks ago and have slightly improved and hardley ever google lol

I can relate to you when you say you started experiencing headaches after finding out about your old teacher because I know someone who had breast cancer and she had tingling all in her breast, the next day I had the exact same thing, but I dont have breast cancer

Our minds are too powerful for own good sometimes')

03-03-14, 01:57
Okay now to update on my issues. I think my headaches were sinus related. I have had some nasty green mucus i have been sneezing alot on my headaches are mostly in my temples and forehead. I hardly get headaches anymore however I have been getting dizzy spells everyday. I feel lightheaded all the time and I don't know if it is my anxiety. It is driving me nuts. I don't wanna keep bugging my family because it must seem like a case of the boy who cried wolf. The dizziness comes when i do physical activity at work or when I am on the computer at home. It comes and goes though.