View Full Version : Bad night

24-02-14, 07:06
Well I've been awake most of the night. Went to bed feeling dithery and woke feeling like I couldn't breath as I felt so bloated under my ribs. Then I got this pain like a cramping hot poker under my left ribs.
It's all where my bra band sits.
It can only be my pancreas. I'm terrified. Over an hour till I can call the drs.
I keep feeling very short of breath as I keep getting cramping spasms in line with my bra.
It's either a heart attack or pancreatic problems.

24-02-14, 07:36
I hope your doctor can see you soon! :hugs:

24-02-14, 08:06
I've not had a good night either no pain just intrusive thoughts. I think your pancreas is on the right side. It's probably just a bit of trapped wind as your bloated. Hope your doctor can see you and put your mind at rest. Xx

24-02-14, 08:21
Just seen this post sorry you have had bad night hope you get in quick with Drs hope just trapped wind take care

24-02-14, 08:53
Look at this picture. See where your stomach sits? Almost in your armpit! Under your ribs. Left side. Stomach acid can cause all your symptoms. Stomach acid feels worse when lying down. Also trapped wind in the large bowel can be felt there too. I have had a similar pain to this for years. As for the hot and cold feelings, I get those when I am on red alert with anxiety. Cold clammy hands, pale skin, burning tingles in arms and legs, breathlessness, bloating (wind). My bet is you are losing weight because you aren't eating enough calories. I'm not a doctor, I'm not diagnosing you, only offering you an alternative thought to your worst fears, which are unlikely to be the case. Anxiety does cause all of these symptoms too. I've had it YEARS & all my scans & tests were clear. Xxxx feel better xxxx



24-02-14, 09:20
Thanks everyone. Got an appointment mid morning. Really scared.

24-02-14, 09:21
You will be fine. Let us know how you get on xx

24-02-14, 09:24
You'll be fine, just tell doc exactly how you feel:)

24-02-14, 09:27
I usually feel stupid once I start explaining stuff as as soon as you mention anxiety most dr seem to gloss over the fact there could be something wrong.

24-02-14, 09:34
Don't feel stupid, just take a deep breath and go for it. Maybe say anxiety could be playing a part in how you feel but you have real physical symptoms that are worrying you. Let us know how it goes:)

24-02-14, 09:35
There is something wrong, its anxiety hun.

Why not take a print out of your recent posts to show how badly this affecting you?

Good luck

24-02-14, 09:37
That's the thing Phuzilla. I know I'm getting anxious, but the pain was there first :( chicken and egg. This is actual awful pain. I know if the pain goes away I can get a break and distraction from it and start to read some of the cbt stuff.

24-02-14, 09:48
Try reading the cbt stuff and mediating while the pain is there. While your waiting to see the doc, sit in the waiting room and try to calm your thoughts. I know this sounds totally ridiculous but try. Listen to what doc has to say and ask questions if you need to. :)

24-02-14, 11:56
Well he felt my abdomen and said all felt ok and gave me some acid medicine. But he's sending me for a liver blood test and calcium (?) due to previous history of gallstones. I'm really worried about the blood tests.

24-02-14, 12:17
Mummy, glad that the doctor didn't seem to be worried. Now you can focus on treating the real problem, your anxiety. Right? So what are you going to do for yourself today surrounding your anxiety?

24-02-14, 12:37
I'm worried about why I need these tests. I guess I won't rest properly till they're back and I can't have them till next week as I can't get in.
I have got the phone number for the counsellor again so I will get my name back on the list for that.
I feel a bit if a failure as I was going amazingly when they discharged me.

24-02-14, 12:45
Hi Mummy,

I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. I wish I could find the words to offer you comfort. Since the Beginning of the month, you've had BP issues, eye issues, stomach issues and several other pains and fears that have affected you. I can't even begin to imagine the hell you must live in :(

I believe I read you've tried CBT, therapy etc. and nothing seems to help. When you go to your doctor today, please speak with him concerning what's going on. Print out some of the threads you've started and show him. There has to be some kind of help or intervention they can offer to help ASAP to help you get a handle on the Dragon.

Positive thoughts and prayers

Added: I see you're already seen the doctor. As suggested, acid reflux will cause the issues you're feeling thus the medicine. I recently have had to switch to a stronger acid medicine as I've suffered with an acid stomach for years. Was taking Zantac 150 2x daily. Give some time to take effect bit you should see some improvement. Keep a food diary for a few weeks. (be very diligent in writing everything down). You may find there are certain foods or times of the day that trigger reactions.

24-02-14, 14:02
That's the thing Phuzilla. I know I'm getting anxious, but the pain was there first :( chicken and egg. This is actual awful pain. I know if the pain goes away I can get a break and distraction from it and start to read some of the cbt stuff.

Anxiety produces "actual awful pain." Waiting until you feel physically better to treat your anxiety has given you a year of misery already, when getting your anxiety dealt with might have made you feel better by now. (Also, your initial posts here aren't about pain--they're about anxiety at non-painful body sensations.)

If you keep shoving treating your anxiety until "later," you may never have a "now" where you feel better. Come on, mummy, ask for a referral and try the CBT online--it's a great thing a parent can do for her children to be better for them.

24-02-14, 14:24
Althea I'm not being funny but that comes across as very bullying. I am well aware of my situation, its far more complex than I have gone into in here as that wouldn't be appropriate. How do you know I haven't spent the day so far relaxing, meditating and referring myself for therapy? After all i had little to no sleep last night and therefore feeling quite lethargic. I cannot see the woods for the trees at the moment, so baby steps.

Thanks everyone for your advice, will read properly through your replies this evening x

24-02-14, 14:29
I'm sorry I upset you. I'm rooting for you, mummy, and I hate to hear you being upset.

24-02-14, 14:40
I know you guys mean well but us in the thick of it sometimes take that kind of talk to the wrong way x

I want to move on and get past this pain and the emotional pain and toughness but its going to be a long process I think.

I seem to have developed a social anxiety lately as well. Not as bad as I used to be a few years ago where I would be semi agoraphobic. But I get deeply nervous around people and even events I enjoy and look forward to I'm finding I'm getting anxious about.

24-02-14, 14:46
Hi Mumsy,
What acid medicine did your doc prescribe? I got some Gaviscon, but you know what really helps me sometimes? Baby gripe water! Really, I'm actually quite enjoying it too. :) xxxx

---------- Post added at 14:46 ---------- Previous post was at 14:46 ----------


24-02-14, 14:52
Althea I'm not being funny but that comes across as very bullying. I am well aware of my situation, its far more complex than I have gone into in here as that wouldn't be appropriate. How do you know I haven't spent the day so far relaxing, meditating and referring myself for therapy? After all i had little to no sleep last night and therefore feeling quite lethargic. I cannot see the woods for the trees at the moment, so baby steps.

Thanks everyone for your advice, will read properly through your replies this evening x

I hate to see the word bullying bandied about again when people are just trying to be honest and help you. When someone says something you don't like it doesn't automatically make it bullying. I don't see a single word in that post that can be considered bullying - if you use language like that so easily you'll discourage others from replying to you.

In defence of Althea she's one of the most helpful and caring members of these boards. She cares enough to try to help you (a complete stranger) stop the cycle of reassurance and offer you advice to really get better.

Mummy I'm not going to reply to your posts anymore, you continually ignore advice and dodge suggestions. I'm disappointed to see you lash out at people who have given you a lot of time. I'm not really sure that you want to use these boards for actually getting help, but ony to continue the reassurance cycle, and I'd honestly prefer to see you get better.

I sincerely hope you get the help that you really need and someday work your way out of the anxiety cycle.

24-02-14, 15:43
Claireypoo he's prescribed omoprazole. I've no idea how long they take to work but I'm feeling really queezy this afternoon. I walked to school to pick my children up and it felt like I was breathing the avid into my lungs and I couldn't breath. It feels like food is just sitting in my stomach and not moving along. It's truly awful. I'm so cold and tired as well. Plenty of burping.

---------- Post added at 15:43 ---------- Previous post was at 15:41 ----------

HL I took the tone of Altheas post in the wrong way which is why I tried to explain myself. I certainly am not ignoring anyone's advice and I am upset that you seem to think I am. Every time you reply you say I'm ignoring advice and I'm not. I can't expect to do everything and be cured within one day.

24-02-14, 15:49
I think burping is a good sign. Better out than in, as my grandma would say! Omeprazole is very good I think (my daughter takes it for reflux). Relaxation helps control stomach acid too, I used to find it hard to relax but getting better at it, I've been reading Claire Weekes and using the squeeze and relax method. It helps.

Claire x

PS I had to raise my bed up at the head to relieve acidy symptoms at night. Also lots of pillows are a no no as they put more pressure on your chest with your head being raised but not your body. I put books under the headboard feet in the end. Made such a difference!

24-02-14, 15:53
Pillows are a no no really? I couldn't lie down last night for the pain. Is it normal for it to hurt when you walk? I'm getting frightened again now. I keep thinking that its going to cause a heart attack. Is that even possible??

24-02-14, 16:10
Lots of pillows are a no no. One is okay I think, if the bed is raised. :) X Worth a try! My acid pain hurt all the time, I think. :( It got better when I started getting a handle on the health anx.

I am having some vile symptoms at the moment, but I am trying not to ask for reassurance like my CBT taught me. I find when I do - or when I check my body for signs, it makes me so much worse. The pains/aches and symptoms stay a bit longer, but just stopping checking makes me feel more able to cope with it. I have managed not to do it as much today and I feel so much better It's weird isn't it? Stopping reassurance seeking actually is the only thing that reassures me. It is really hard at first, though. Very hard, but worth it. X

24-02-14, 16:14
Poor love you have just become so wound up with fear that you now notice every little bodily sensation just lets go back a bit acid is awful I know been there ten years now pain pressure burning nausea upper abdominal aching or twisting pain I'm sure doc is not worried about your heart or he have sent u to a and e this thing is real the acid thing is bad but your doing what I do and making the pain unbearable by fixating on bad things sit and have a chat with your children make.a cuppa.tea do anything except let this get you more scared .

24-02-14, 16:28
Lots of helpful suggestion you two thank you. It really helps to hear people's experiences of the pain. Makes me able to rationalise better. I've just been reading the patient leaflet online on it so Ive got some tips there too.
I'm still doing the thing by he didn't listen to my chest so maybe it could still cause a heart attack...but trying to ignore those words in my head.
I'm hoping I can get comfortable enough in bed tonight for a reasonable rest. Really can't take another poor night.

---------- Post added at 16:25 ---------- Previous post was at 16:25 ----------

Oh and twisting pain is a very good explanation!

---------- Post added at 16:28 ---------- Previous post was at 16:25 ----------

Clairepoo is the squeeze relax in Claire weekes? I don't think I've seen that.

24-02-14, 16:38
No, it isn't in there, but there is a similar, where she concentrates on an area etc. What I do is tense (squeeze) the muscles in my feet for ten seconds, then relax, then do my ankles, then relax, then calves and so on all the way up. I must be quite tired these days as I never get to the jaw! Zzzzzz It is a really simple but effective way of relaxing. Also good is breathing from tummy, evenly and slowly, but I found that took practice. X

24-02-14, 16:49
Yes I feel panicky with abdominal breathing, certainly needs some working at from years of breathing wrong.

I've got a relaxation that is similar to that which I like and usually sends me to sleep before the end!

24-02-14, 16:49
he's prescribed omoprazole.....

I was actually prescribed that but my pharmacist saw that it has a reaction with one of the heart meds I take (she's great!) so she's contacted the doctor that prescribed it for an alternative. These drugs take a bit to get into your system and begin to work so you'll have to be patient.

Mummy, if you can, step back a moment and try to see this as others do. I know you're in the thick of anxiety. It seems as if there is nary a break from the torment. Believe me, we all see that too. It's evident from the number of posts/threads we see. Advice is given freely and with caring and concern. At the same time, we don't see it making a difference. In other words, it seems as if all the advice falls on deaf ears. That's the perception I get as well. You very well may be working on your anxiety but unfortunately it doesn't appear like you're making any progress against the Dragon and it's unfortunate :(

There have been and are others on the boards so wrapped up in the cycle of HA and panic that nothing anyone says makes a difference. Mentally, they're unable to rationalize and take action. Perhaps this is such a case, I don't know. What I do know is that you're suffering greatly and I also know that everyone replying to your threads wants to see you get better.

Positive thoughts and prayers

nutty nic
24-02-14, 16:58
It could also be gallstones. The exact same thing happened to me 3 times in 2 months. Pain is caused by stones stuck in the bile duct until they pass. I eventually went to doc (I also suffer with anxiety), had scan and confirmed stones there. Had gallbladder out just before Christmas. Everything back to normal now - except anxiety, which is always there unfortunately!

I hope you get it sorted and try not to worry (easier said than done I know)!:hugs:

24-02-14, 17:02
Thank FMP I know it must be very frustrating I really do. I can see that myself when I get a moment of clarity every so often.

NN I've had gallstones. Not pleasant and the pain is similar which is why I initially worried about liver/pancreas.

---------- Post added at 17:02 ---------- Previous post was at 17:01 ----------

One question, if these drugs take a time to work is there anything you can take as well as for relief?

24-02-14, 18:12
One question, if these drugs take a time to work is there anything you can take as well as for relief?

OTC Zantac 150, Extra Strength Tums or Mylanta, Gas-X... does wonders for trapped gas.

Positive thoughts

24-02-14, 18:16
Mummy guess what I've realised I'm not suffering waiting for a diagnosis I'm suffering waiting for a disease and I'm wasting half my life on what ifs Its like looking up the symptoms of athletes foot for hours days weeks months when you haven't got it you most likely don't have a terminal illness either but it dosent stop you (or I or any of us ) looking up disease and scaring ourselves half mad who says I will die of stomach cancer I might get struck by lightning before then I'm seeing things clearer than for a long time it's us hurting ourselves mummy anxious you have symptoms pet I know but it's probably something minor please take a step back have a breather and try to calm down God bless

24-02-14, 20:24
Well I'm armed with my meditation and relaxation cd tonight, and hoping for a better night. Please please I need some sleep!
Thanks again xx