View Full Version : please help ..x

24-02-14, 09:32
Hello all I will be brief but id appreciate any help as I am feeling so afraid right how ...about 4 months ago I started getting twitches all over in my legs toes lips side of my head feet hands my fingers would move on their own I was really upset about this and at one point they were there all the time ...now they have subsided I only really feel them occasionally and at night when lying in bed . However my right eye will not stop twitching I have sometimes experienced a twitching eye lid due to tiredness but this is concerning me more I pulled down the mirror today while driving to look at it as it was going mad and im always not really ready to look at it actually doing it but I know its bad anyway my eye lid totally SHUT while it was twitching I have come home for a cup of tea I am so upset by this im not sure what to do but I have never experienced anything on this level before I think it twitched like that on Saturday when I was out what can I do ?? are there injections to have or should I just bite the bullet and go to the drs anyone else experienced eye twitching on this level
I feel today like I could make myself ill with worry as I type this its going nuts please help .....x:weep:

24-02-14, 09:42
I would make an appointment at the doctors to put your mind at rest. It's probably nothing more than an anxiety twitch or tic. It might be helpful to get some video footage of it to show your doctor. Has anybody ever mentioned it to you? As in is it noticeable to others? I get twitches and tics over my body, Hands, face and legs. It's usually when I'm in a anxious state. Which is most of the time lol. Take care xx

24-02-14, 09:47
hi thankyou for your reply nobody has ever said anything to me when I was in the pub on Saturday I felt it do it and shut but nothing was said .... I am very aware of it and today when I saw it close momentarily it scared me . I have had other twitches a few months back that seemed to be everywhere I could see them under my skin but as I say they subsided im just concerened that they are related ..eye lid twitching is so common I know but when it closed momentarily It was scary

24-02-14, 10:38
Pepsi I had my eyelid twitch almost non stop for over a month. I hate when I get twitching and it stays in one area it's unsettling. But the eyelid is one of the most common places for twitching to occur. It doesn't matter either whether your lid is open or shut.

24-02-14, 10:45
hi Rose Eve good to hear from you the eye was actually open and the twitch made it close momentarily ...it wasn't twitching when closed ....:( x

24-02-14, 15:17
Still normal Pepsi. Twitches cause the muscle to move. Have you ever had a finger move from a twitch? It's normal.

24-02-14, 19:03
hi Rose Eve I have done but not until all my twitches which you know about started . the eye lid one freaked me out a bit is it just the same as the ones going on else where ..? which is still an issue for me as long as its normal then I guess its ok just not nice when your eye closes because of a twitch that's arrived over night x

25-02-14, 01:45
Twitching isn't uncommon with anxiety. Anxiety causes the body to be very tense for very long periods, which causes muscle exhaustion. When muscles are so used to being tense and then try to relax, often they will respond by twitching. Another explanation sometimes used is that anxiety produces a lot of excess energy through the release of a hormone called adrenaline, one way for the body to use this energy is to expand and contract the muscles (aka twitch).

Have you spoken to your doctor about the frequency of your symptoms and your concern. They may be able to provide you with a form of muscle relaxant to reduce the twitching if you find it very bothering, or they may be able to help you manage them.

25-02-14, 09:02
Hi no I haven't spoken to the dr I usually find when I go to the drs about something I think is small they then pass me on to a very long path of hospital appointments which then fuel my anxiety through the roof I know they are only doing their job ...but I haven't spoken to them about this .....
I am quite an anxious person but not all of the time so I cant say I blame it totally on the anxiety side of things this morning I woke after a really good sleep and straight away I could feel my shoulder starting to twitch and then my eye started again ....I understand what you mean but if I went to the drs they might look into the cause rather than the symptom and that worries me . x

25-02-14, 10:43
My doctor told me it's anxiety. Muscle twitching is normal even in people that don't have anxiety. I think you and I both have BFS honestly.

26-02-14, 21:15
I think so too ....i havent been to the drs tnx rose eve & everyone else that replied x