View Full Version : Can you beat anxiety with out taking medication?

24-02-14, 11:20
Hi everyone
I suffer with HAD and have been for nearly 2 years now, has anyone been able to get rid of their anxiety with out the help of your GP? I know medication helps a lot but then there can be side effects and having to be weaned off them. I really want to do it on my own, any suggestions?

24-02-14, 12:28
Medications work differently for every individual. Some people manage to control their anxiety without the use of medication, while others benefit greatly by taking it. Medication alone is never an answer for anxiety. Therapy, along with CBT, have helped me a lot. For me, I have to change the way I think and get rid of the irrational thoughts surrounding HA. Medication has helped to stop parts of the cycle and let me concentrate and focus on the efforts needed to rid myself of anxiety. Good luck to you.

24-02-14, 16:33

You should go see your GP, if you haven't already. They can help with your anxiety, there are things they can offer before medication, like CBT :)

24-02-14, 16:48
In my own experience, yes it is possible to beat it without meds and very little input from doctors. But everyone is different, and should do what's right for them:)

24-02-14, 16:54
It is 100% possible to beat without medication.

Medication is brilliant for some people but it's never going to be a cure.. it'll only cover up the symptoms.

24-02-14, 17:14
hi I believe that serious anxiety disorders are also a chemical inbalance sorry so meds do help

otherwise when you drink alcohol why does your anxiety flourish the day after if its just in your "head"

24-02-14, 17:18
Everyone is different and should do what they need to do.

24-02-14, 20:20
Where there is a will there's a way

27-02-14, 00:23
just start changing the way you think... Nothing is perfect.
If you find something is not match with your desire/thought then realize that 'nothing is perfect'. That might reduce your anxiety as my experience. Hope this will help

27-02-14, 12:08
I think you definitely can, meditation and yoga helped me keep my anxiety at bay for years, from personal experience doing it without the medication is a lot less distressing. I'm on medication and I find the changes it's making fairly hard to take as they are beyond my control. But hey, as people here have said, it works compleletly different for everyone. Do what feels right, don't fear one thing or another, your strong enough to do it both ways :)

27-02-14, 16:12
Thanks everyone for your replies its nice to know you are not on your own, and it is possible to get rid of this without medication. I have read so many stories about medication affecting people on here and when they do come off it having more problems than they started with. I want to try so hard to do it on my own then I will know I am really better n its not just the meds covering up how I really feel.