View Full Version : Just not understanding. STILL!!!

24-02-14, 12:59
Right, I'm getting to the point where I've convinced myself that finally I've got HA, but today I feel particularly convinced that there is definitely something else going on.

I've had no one on this forum that has the symptoms that I have 24/7. And the longer it goes on, the more convinced I am that there is some underlying thing going on.......

Which are 24/7 blurred/drunk like vision, and tremors.

Had MRI of brain and eyes tested ultrasound of abdomen and enough blood tests to fill Niagra falls.

What the hecks going on with me. I've brought claire weeks a few days ago and half way through the book, the first 1/3 felt very relevant but even that's not convening me that the symptoms such as mine can be solely anxiety.

Someone out there must be able to relate surely.

24-02-14, 13:23
I don't no what All your symptoms are i have not looked you get these symptoms 24/7 you say?

What are your other symptoms can you link me to post?

I can 100% RELATE to your vision problems i have had only ultra sounds CAT SCAN of head and bloods I have to be honest if i had a MRI like you have i would be 100% feeling more convinced of my diagnosis.

To be honest the test you have had and just a slight look at your photo you look and seem to me to be very healthy.

I think like me you just have to except diagnosis.

24-02-14, 13:24
My symptoms are

Blurred/unfocused/drunk like vision. And tremors mainly noticeable when at rest.

What are your vision issues?

24-02-14, 13:30
My symptoms are

Blurred/unfocused/drunk like vision. And tremors mainly noticeable when at rest.

What are your vision issues?

100% The same as yours i get blurred vision and visual snow and my wife calls it vibrating or tremors at night in bed for 2-10 minute periods, my vision is persistent 24/7.
I get lots more symptoms as well.

I am finding all this very hard to except i am like you not convinced and been to the doctors 100 times.

24-02-14, 13:34
I've got visual snow (the TV interference kind mostly), tremors noticeable mostly when at rest, weird feelings in hands (occasionally they seize up), tinnitus, and a few other symptoms.

The visual snow is only a sign that something is wrong very very rarely, and if that thing was wrong it would have 100% shown up in an eye test and MRI. Both were fine. The issues in my hands are resultant of compression of my thoracic outlet, which is caused by tense back and neck muscles which in turn is caused by wearing my shoulders as earrings due to anxiety. The tremors when resting are very very common, and are resultant of all the excess energy we store in tense muscles being released at rest.

Once you begin to accept what's wrong with you, you'll be on the road to recovery. Anxiety is a real thing, a real diagnosis with real symptoms. It's not just something the doctors say when they can't think of anything else.

24-02-14, 13:38
I've got visual snow (the TV interference kind mostly), tremors noticeable mosh when at rest, weird feelings in hands (occasionally they seize up), tinnitus, and a few other symptoms.

The visual snow is only a sign that something is wrong very very rarely, and if that thing was wrong it would have 100% shoe up in an eye test and MRI. Both were fine. The issues in my hands are resultant of compression of my thoracic outlet, which is caused by tense back and neck muscles which in turn is caused by wearing my shoulders as earrings due to anxiety. The tremors when resting are very very common, and are resultant of all the excess energy we store in tense muscles being released at rest.

Once you begin to accept what's wrong with you, you'll be on the road to recovery. Anxiety is a real thing, a real diagnosis with real symptoms. It's not just something the doctors say when they can't think of anything else.

Yup i get tinnitus as well and my doctor says i get a constant tight scalp because the muscles are tensed up in my head they go all over your head mine are 24/7 constantly tight to be honest i get so many symptoms its crazy BUT the fact is i just don't do what i did 5 months ago my body was 100% active now its drying up you really do have to wonder where all that energy is going hence the tremors.

24-02-14, 13:45
100% The same as yours i get blurred vision and visual snow and my wife calls it vibrating or tremors at night in bed for 2-10 minute periods, my vision is persistent 24/7.
I get lots more symptoms as well.

I am finding all this very hard to except i am like you not convinced and been to the doctors 100 times.

Phew......... Finally found someone. Dexter it's like winning the lottery. :yahoo:

I've had this since October last year, how long has it been for you. My husband has felt my pulse in bed just lying next to me, not even touching.

---------- Post added at 13:45 ---------- Previous post was at 13:41 ----------

The tremors when resting are very very common, and are resultant of all the excess energy we store in tense muscles being released at rest.

My tremors are there 24/7 but I can do normal things just more noticeable when at rest. :)

24-02-14, 13:53
Phew......... Finally found someone. Dexter it's like winning the lottery. :yahoo:

I've had this since October last year, how long has it been for you. My husband has felt my pulse in bed just lying next to me, not even touching.

My vision problems started about 2 months in when my anxiety problems started 5 months+ ago i was Diagnosed by a psychologist top scale GAD 21/21 (SEVERE) My pulse 5 months ago was 45-55 beats a min as i was very fit active have been for years, now its 70+ because my anxiety state.
It does not really take much to see why you get issues when your blood is pumping faster it goes to your head and all over the show so you can kinda see why anxiety suffers like us get all this weird symptoms going on.

But it wont never stop me getting reassurance form my GP i see her every week i think if she saw a change in me she would tell me i have a good relationship with my GP and if you suffer from Anxiety like we do it helps :)

24-02-14, 14:15
I too have a good doctor but she's sending my neurologist, even though she too thinks it's anxiety. Reading claire weekes self-help for your nerves, going to counselling. The book is very interesting for nerve suffering anxiety folk, likes us. Just want to ignore the hardest symptom which is our vision. But very difficult to do that.

---------- Post added at 14:15 ---------- Previous post was at 14:15 ----------

Curious to know how you're graded for your GAD?

24-02-14, 14:20
I too have a good doctor but she's sending my neurologist, even though she too thinks it's anxiety. Reading claire weekes self-help for your nerves, going to counselling. The book is very interesting for nerve suffering anxiety folk, likes us. Just want to ignore the hardest symptom which is our vision. But very difficult to do that.

---------- Post added at 14:15 ---------- Previous post was at 14:15 ----------

Curious to know how you're graded for your GAD?

When you are sent to a psychiatrist they do whats called i think it was "screening" Mine was over the phone.
You are asked lots of questions from a scale of 0-10 then its based on the final score.You do a depression one as well as we all no both conditions generally live together my depression score was a lot less.