View Full Version : Ocd about cheating. Just had baby

24-02-14, 16:18
Well these thoughts have been going on since my 12 weeks dating scan. Before then the thought never crossed my mind. I've convinced myself that i cheated on my husband on our wedding night. We were both really drunk and both can hardly remember a lot of the night. I remember bits and bobs through the night and remember leaving the reception and getting a taxi to the hotel. There is also photos of us together all through the night but i still keep thinking i must have cheated and our baby is not his. 2 weeks after the wedding i found out i was pregnant. We were over the moon and as u said the thought never entered my mind until we went for our scan and because of the date the baby measured my husband jokingly said are you sure the baby is mine and from then on i've been sick with guilt. I had the baby 10 days ago which was amazing but then the thoughts came back a few days ago. She looks just like my husband even loads of people have said she is his double but i'm still convincing myself that he isn't the father. I feel sick with guilt. Please help me! Would i remember having sex even being so drunk? I keep telling myself i'd have been distraught afterwards of i did

24-02-14, 18:29
I really feel for you. It's so awful when a thought takes over and you become so involved in it, especially at such a special time.

Ultimately, the facts are there. Look back at what you have written, you have photos all through the night and let's be honest, if a bride was cheating on her husband on their wedding night I think someone would have something to say about it.

These thoughts are there because your husband and your child are so important to you. Let the thoughts be but don't give them the power.

Congratulations on your new baby, I hope all is well. :flowers: xx

26-02-14, 16:19
I just keep thinking that i could have went off and had sex and forgotten because i was so drunk. Do you think i could have totally blacked something like that out? It's such a horrible feeling having this doubt for so long and not being able to enjoy my pregnancy and now my baby

26-02-14, 17:00
Pregnancy OCD and Postpartum OCD (with the obsessive, intrusive thoughts) are not rare occurrences. Rationally, I don't think you have anything to worry about except for the fact that you are having OCD/anxiety issues that need to be addressed for your own well-being.
Have you dealt with intrusive thoughts in some form prior to this?
Can you speak with your OB/GP and honestly let them know you are suffering from these disturbing, intrusive thoughts? Don't suffer needlessly, my dear, there is relief from these things. It is a tired mind and a tired nervous system- along with crazy hormones. You are not alone, but don't delay. The sooner these things are addressed- the sooner you can get past them.

26-02-14, 21:58
Congratulations. I've followed your posts since you first had this worry.

You need to not seek reassurance as this is your compulsion. Believe me I know how hard it is to not ask. You are feeding the thoughts by seeking reassurance. You know you haven't slept with anyone else, this is just OCD. Doubt is normal with OCD. Best thing you can do is decide to accept this is OCD. It's an intrusive thought and you have to accept anxiety is causing the thoughts. Let it be there, carry on as normal, enjoy your baby and your life as a family. Once you accept thoughts lessen but you have to really believe it's just OCD causing the thoughts and doubt. If you can't then maybe you need to get a DNA test just so you can put this out of your mind 100%. It won't be easy to do but maybe you should open up and tell your hubby what the OCD is doing to you.

Take care xx