View Full Version : achey heart..

24-02-14, 16:25
Ive got a achy heart,

Well I think its my heart maybe its just near my heart buut it aches around that area

I just knew my heart anxiety was coming back because now alls I am thinking is I'm having a heart attack or my hearts going to stop !!!

I had a few palpitations earlier too so maybe my mind is over working that something is wrong with my heart

It feels quite tight in that area

---------- Post added at 16:25 ---------- Previous post was at 16:19 ----------

How would I know if there was something wrong with my heart.....

I went through a horrible time with my heart 2 years ago and it was nothing more than anxiety.... but mow im worried that there generally is something wrong with it,

24-02-14, 19:25
Try stretching the area in different ways. Most of the time, with anxiety chest tightness, it feels tighter in certain positions. That can be reassuring cos it's not supposed to normally be the case with heart stuff.

24-02-14, 20:13
Hi Bing,

I don't know your age but that plays a factor into heart issues as does many other factors. Having had heart issues in my life I know about this intimately.

Last week, with all the stress I was under with the follow-up exams for cancer, I developed chest pain. Deep down I knew this had to be stress related. This had me a little worried as for me, it's a sign of angina and with my history of heart disease/attacks, I can't say the thought of another heart attack didn't cross my mind.

Ok... here's the difference. Yes, it hurt and anxiety/reflux related chest pain certainly does mimic heart attack symptoms with one big difference. The "intensity". Yes, my chest hurt, but it was no where near what it felt like when I had my heart attacks.

That being said, I wasn't panicking or really too concerned until my doctors said "Get to the ER!"... Then I freaked a bit ~lol~ I ended up leaving as it was way too crazy in Baltimore and went locally where, based on my history and symptoms, they admitted me and ran a cardiac workup. I spoke of the stress I was under but they wanted to be sure. I admit it was re-assuring to have them check me out. As it turned out I'm Ok and it was what I thought it was.

I may not suffer from anxiety but I'm not immune to the effects of it. Even now, as I type, my chest aches... BUT, I know it's nothing serious. Now with you, if you're not predisposed to heart disease, relatively young (40 or under), in decent shape, there's no reason to worry. Also, as I stated previously, the pain from a real heart attack is freaking unreal. You wouldn't be able to sit at your computer typing and awaiting responses I assure you.

There are a plethora of threads and posts describing exactly what you're experiencing. It's a very common symptom of anxiety. Based on what you said in your post, I wouldn't be concerned.

Positive thoughts