View Full Version : Newcomer but permanently anxious - help please!

nutty nic
24-02-14, 16:36

I'm new to NMP but have read lots of threads online. Everyone seems to give great advice and feedback and I would really appreciate some right now!

I'm a 45 year old woman and have suffered a couple of relatively mild episodes of anxiety in the past 12 years. However, I recently had to have my gallbladder removed after months of pain from stones. I can't tell you how happy I was to get this done but I now seem to have exchanged one set of problems for another. I was a little anxious after the op because of some unexpected side effects but this settled quite quickly.

Then, about 4 weeks after the op, I woke up one morning with major anxiety, which appeared out of nowhere! I went to work but almost had a panic attack, took my niece shopping but felt anxious the whole time I was out and this awful anxiety has persisted ever since (5 1/2 weeks now), from the minute I wake up to the minute I go to bed.

My doctor started me on Sertraline 50mg nearly 3 weeks ago, with diazepam to help initially with the anxiety. However, although I had a couple of almost normal days the week before last, I still don't feel any better and diazepam doesn't work, even if I take 10mg. Seeing the doc again tomorrow and I suspect she will just tell me to up the dose of the meds (although not diazepam). I have also been referred for CBT but have to wait another month for that to start.

Please can anyone offer any advice? I have read about a condition called adjustment reaction disorder where these symptoms can come on as a result of a stressful event such as my op but I honestly don't know how much more I can take. It is affecting every aspect of my life!

Any advice or stories of similar experiences would be most gratefully appreciated. Sorry my first post is so negative! :doh:

24-02-14, 17:26
My anxiety came back after a complication following routine surgery. I'd been OK for 25 years up to then. I'm doing OK now though, the op was last September and from whati read , post surgical depression, and presumably anxiety, is a recognised condition. Hang in there, you'll get through it:)

---------- Post added at 17:26 ---------- Previous post was at 17:24 ----------

I must just add though, not everyone gets post surgical depression, don't want to worry people. :)

nutty nic
24-02-14, 17:35
Thanks Phuzella. It's just so frustrating and debilitating. I don't recognise this person as me!

How long did it take you to get over it and did you need any meds at all? :unsure:

24-02-14, 17:53
I'm almost out the other side now, my complication from surgery was in October, the anxiety came on around Christmas time full force. I didn't recognise it as anxiety at first, thought it was some serious physical thing. But when I got my head round it, I was able to calm myself down with meditation, exercise etc. No meds. I still get the odd mild panic attack and dizzy day but can handle them.
Surgery is a trauma and I think your body and mind take a while to recover. Be nice to yourself, you'll get there :)