View Full Version : Woke, up, right, side, numb!!,

24-02-14, 16:37
Hi Everyone

Hope youz can help :-(

I woke this morning at 4am with my right side numb heart racing, i was so afraid that I screamed out my partners name she answered then I went to stand up and fell because of no feeling on my right side, I yelled even louder this time and she was really concerned and screamed what's wrong!! I said I'm ok as I noticed my speech wasn't slurred and that I was severely freaking her out, but saying that I was still terrified! The fall put the cherry on the cake for a major panic overdrive!! As youz can probably imagine.

Had to take a 10mg of diazepam when I woke up because I couldn't control the impact it had on me.

Has anyone experienced this before or is this bad!? Please help :-(



24-02-14, 16:54
You must have laid on your side for too long and it went to sleep, literally. My arm was like that wheni woke up this morning, it just hung there like a tree branch or something:D

24-02-14, 22:32
Yep, that's happened to me before. It really is nothing to worry about (easier said than done obviously)

Woke up at 4am it was my left side that was numb. I naturally assumed I had had a stroke or this was an impending heart attack. I too got up and fell but was able to steady myself on a chest of drawers.

Got back into bed after urinating and couldn't sleep as not only was i feeling numb and had pins and needles, when I closed my eyes, all I could see was super bright lights (which I assume was my brain going into overdrive and sending signals everywhere.

I was able to get back to sleep I realised I wasn't dying, I put it down to anxiety and sleeping in the wrong position. It hasn't happened since and if it does I'll tell myself the exact same thing.

25-02-14, 00:09
Thanks for the replies

Much appreciated ;-)

The reason I crapped my drawers was because I was lying on my left side as I always do, so couldn't come to a conclusion why my right side was numb, really odd but I've suffered from an anxiety disorder from the age of 18 I'm now 31 and dumbfounded why I can't come to grips with it. :-S

It's scary happening anytime but when it throws you out of bed that's worse ain't had that in years, the last time I recall I had no numbness just palpitations.

Memory foam mattress and a safety net, they're now on the checklist lol

Thanks again

Petesy ;-)