View Full Version : Rainbow vision in one eye

Round in circles
24-02-14, 20:42
I just had a weird thing happen this evening. I very suddenly got a weird rectangle shaped spot in the front of my vision in my right eye. The rest of my vision in that eye seemed to have lots of rainbow lines, kind of like what you see in an eye test when they shine the bright light into your eye.

It didn't last too long and the sight in my left eye was normal the whole time. I'm not too sure what to make of it. I don't have a history of migraine. I did take some garlic earlier. Perhaps I took a little much and it's down to low blood pressure, as I did have a head spin moment about 10 mins prior to the eye thing.

My sight seems ok now, but it's stinging badly. Not sure whether eye drops would help or make the stinging worse.

I don't know.. Maybe it's a reaction to eating chocolate, which I don't do that often anymore lol. Hopefully it's just a one off. If the stinging settles down, I'll relax more I'm sure.

24-02-14, 23:41
How long did it last? Sounds like a visual migraine.

25-02-14, 00:01
Isn't it funny how anxiety affects us? I had something very similar about a year ago..I wasn't affected by anxiety then and I just went "oh that's annoying" and carried on with my day. Someone recently told me they had the same and went to their gp who told them it was an aural migraine (migraine without the headache)
Hope that helps
L x

Catherine S
25-02-14, 00:22
It certainly sounds like a silent migraine, I've had one or two in the past but more usually I get the headache, and my daughter who is in her early 30s gets these aural migraines more than the headache migraines...go figure!

Round in circles
25-02-14, 00:29
It only lasted about 10 mins, so I didn't freak out too much, and there was no pain other than the stinging eye afterwards but it was so uncomfortable that I couldn't keep my eye open at all. Luckily it hasn't happened again tonight so fingers crossed it was a one off.

Migraine did cross my mind, I just figured I would have had one before now but maybe not. My eyesight seems to be getting worse in the past 6 months or so. Not sure if eye strain would cause it. I got new glasses but find them uncomfortable to wear so they sit in their case instead of on my face. I'm meant to use them for gaming, tv,etc, but not really for every day stuff. Maybe I should give them another go though I wasn't doing either of those things before it happened. It's a mystery..

25-02-14, 19:40
Sounds like a migraine aura. You can get then any time if the conditions are right for one. I had an isolated one last year.