View Full Version : Fatigued and frustrated

24-11-06, 12:17
Hiya everyone - I'm tired and frustrated and need to vent - is that ok?

I am soooooo frustrated at the moment because I want to be better so badly. On the surface, I should be so happy with my life - I have a great family (though they live far away) a fab partner who is more understanding than I could ever wish for and a good circle of friends who take me as I am. So why am I not happy??? :(

I am going through another period of set-back at the moment, so my emotions are all up the duff and I feel like I am on cruise control - just getting through each day as best as I can.

Work are being terrfic - supportive as can be. I haven't taken any time off (mainly for fear of being in the house alone!) but a lot of the time, I just sit at my desk and stare out of the window or at my screen.

I'm not sleeping well at the moment - waking up at 3-4am every day. I've not got a great appetite either so I'm losing loads of weight.

Thinking of trying hypnotherapy as recommended by another contributor - but you know how it is - I don't believe it will work for me.

Thank goodness for this forum and Claire Weekes' books - makes a huge difference.

Thanks for listening xxx

***Fall down 7 times - stand up 8 times***

24-11-06, 15:49
Hi taffy steve,love your tag line !Itis so true ,you are still standin mate!Sorry to hear you are having a bad day,they happen and it is best to dismiss it out of your memory ,and start again!Hypnotherapy can work very well,so dont dismiss it Steve,so to do paul mckenna tapes[stress and anxiety is the one i find the best]give it a go !Feel better soon.love mary rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

24-11-06, 16:43
Hi there taffy,sorry your feeling so crap at the mo.Are you on any meds.You sound quite depressed,no appetite,waking early hours of the morning ect.
I hope you feel better real soon.;)

Ellen XX

24-11-06, 16:50
Thanks for your posts folks...

I am on meds Helen - Lustral 50mg - apparently a fairly low dose, so may chat to my GP about an increase...In all honesty though, I think I may be depressed because I'm fed up of the rollercoaster!

Thanks for the recommendation Mary Rose - I will look into the Paul McKenna CDs.

Cheers - I really appreciate your time!

Steve x

***Fall down 7 times - stand up 8 times***

24-11-06, 16:55
Sorry Ellen - I called you Helen - that's probably quite annoying! :D

***Fall down 7 times - stand up 8 times***

24-11-06, 20:00
Not to worry Taffy,people do it all the time!!!!!!!I think thats why I get depressed to, its frustration.

Ellen XX

24-11-06, 22:53
hi steve
we've been communicating through the hypnotherapy thread...Im perhaps going to try it...so should you ..im skeptikal but hey anything is worth a try...
Steve are you on meds..please try...although its something that peeps don,t like to take, they do help but (as ive made the mistake in the past) rely on them to lull you into a false sense of security. They make you feel so well that you forget you have GAD..But when you finally have a relapse like I have..you realise that meds relieve the symptons not the cause so now as well as meds im having CBt..demanding Psych help and reading Clare Weeks...dont be like me waiting ten years for it to dawn on you get help now...PM me anytime as I know exactly what you are going through

27-11-06, 14:32
I know exactly how you feel. I am always exhausted, over tired and can`t seem to get comfortable sleep. I have just come to terms with my problems and can`t get comfortable with day to day issues. I hate it!!:( Why?!
I have very supportive staff in my household and understand how to let it all out, but i can`t seem to control the aftermath..
I just hope i can get it better soon and get on with my life again!!

