View Full Version : Panicking at the same time every night

25-02-14, 01:01
I've been panicking around the same time every night at when this happens I usually go to bed, can anyone shed any light I this or help me to stop,this happening please

Thank you

25-02-14, 01:05
Maybe you've some how associated a certain time with panic? I know it's common for people to associate places with panicking so I don't see why it couldn't work the same here. it could also be from tiredness, I know I'm prone to panics when I'm a little sleepy.

Try and break up your routine, go to sleep earlier aswell if you can :)

25-02-14, 01:43
Hi, I can't give an explanation for this, but just wanted to share that this happens to me in the evening too. I thought for a while it may be to do with the time I ate my evening meal (biggest meal of the day for me). However I now think what the previous poster suggested is the case for me. I now associate this time with panic so am more aware of everything, almost like I look out for the panic so bring it on xx

25-02-14, 11:38
I associated the day and time of my first for YEARS. I know the time to the minute and it could catch me out.
I'd be unaware of the time and then I'd go "hold on a minute what day is it ??? Gulp, what time is it ???"
It'd be nearly that time so I'd have to distract myself until the time passed. I'd stop knowing the time until it was definitely past that time then I'd feel it was ok.

Totally irrational. A simple trigger, a link you create that makes no sense.

You can't trigger by time if you don't know what time it is. Shift your meal time a bit and then don't know the time.

25-02-14, 12:29
Totally normal for most people to feel more anxious in the mornings or in the evenings. Mornings have always been worse for me. Try doing something that you really enjoy about an hour before the panic generally starts. I have found that distraction can work wonders. Possibly watch something that makes you laugh. Meditation an hour before that time may also help.

25-02-14, 12:45
It happened to me i keep saying it happened to me this and that every time i answer to a new post but its true and just strange how many people do the same things,Any way i would start panicking at the same time around 5PM every day and my symptoms would get nasty making me think why is my body doing this around the same time every day it does not make sense i got to the point where i was checking the clock as i am living in my anxiety state and just wondering is it going to hit me double again at 5PM.
Funny seem to forgot about it now and it does not happen :)