View Full Version : I don't want to be afraid anymore

25-02-14, 01:29
I've been doing really well lately but it seems like my dragon doesn't want to go away. My mind was racing with thoughts of ALS but I was able to accept that I don't have that. So here comes my number 2 fear a headache that never goes away. My anxiety over Christmas was one of my worst times brought on by a headache that lasted almost 2 weeks. Here it is again I've had a headache since last night. I'm trying so hard not to think I will have it forever. Does anyone have the experience that when you really try to take hold of your anxiety you get physical symptoms of the things you fear the most? I need some encouragement friends.

25-02-14, 01:31
Yes, all the time! :(
At the moment I don't really have any symptoms although my mind is racing and it really makes me sad. I just want to be able to have a clear worry-free mind.
I've had headaches for as long as I can remember, I really think you're okay Rose :) don't give up, keep pushing!

25-02-14, 03:55
It doesn't help that it's so, so tiring to be anxious, and then being tired makes anxiety worse! I hope you're doing your best to get some rest and take care of yourself right now to help limit that problem.

And yes, I agree with jennclark and with you--anxiety will focus on and magnify the things you fear the most.

I know it's hard, Rose, especially at the end of the day, but I think you're doing really well--you're seeing how the overall patterns work and perceiving the story behind what your anxiety tells you. It doesn't magically make it go away, but it means you're on the road. You'll get there.

25-02-14, 13:27

As I've seen here, you're one of the stronger Dragon Slayers on the board. Your strength and resolve are admirable. Even in this post, your resolve is evident. It's Ok to get a little tired of the battle now and again and seek relief.

Perhaps doing something just for you would help. A day off or a weekend getaway to someplace relaxing would help. Maybe doing something to pamper and distract yourself.

As you've seen here and are experiencing yourself, the Dragon doesn't like it in his cave. He's also quite cunning and will do whatever he has to get out and breathe fire on you. Just remember you've got a suit of armor. It may get a little warm but you won't get burned.

Positive thoughts

25-02-14, 14:12
Hi Rose,

I'm relatively new to all this but before I was even aware of Health anxiety as such I knew what a stress headache was such was their frequency. It is the oldest trick in the stress playbook. They always pass eventually. I also find that when I make a really concerted effort to let go of my fears it just makes me think about them more and hey presto I get a pain or twinge so I can definitely relate to what you're saying there. I guess that's part of the battle for all of us.

You seem like someone who has alreay made a lot of progress so stay positive:hugs:

25-02-14, 17:47
Thank you everyone! It is amazing how supportive you all are to me. This forum really gives me strength. My friends and family don't understand my feelings and can't help me but being apart of this group makes me feel like I'm not alone. I am so thankful for all your kind words. Fishmanpa you have really made me feel good :) I almost cried when I read what you wrote because I don't feel very strong. You helped raise my self esteem. I told myself last night if I have a headache for the rest of my days then I will work through it and learn to live with it. That many people live with chronic pain. Guess what? My headache started to feel better instantly! I still have a bit of a lingering headache but I don't really care that much. I can't live like that anymore. I just can't. Thank you all again. :hugs:

25-02-14, 18:07
Well done RoseEve, I always find that once I lock on to a symptom and focus on it the pain is constant like your headaches. I had headache anxiety all my life but now I have stomach symptoms and am focused on them, my headache fear has receded. This HA sucks! X keep strong