View Full Version : Please help :/

25-02-14, 05:25
Hello! This is a difficult topic for me and I'm even crying right now because I have to share.. (I don't cry, ever). So for a about a year I have had anxiety (mostly physical symptoms) and panic attacks. First I ofc thought that it was brain cancer but then had a clear MRI. Well anyways, my symptoms right now are out of it feeling, being scared of myself, shaking, panic. So then so my fear: I terrified that I may be developing schritzofrenia. Why do I think that? Well I just remembered that all this started slowly about 2 years ago when I tried cannabis twice and had an horrible reaction to it both times. I read that it could set it off and especially if you feel really weird under the influence of it. I'm also lefthanded which is a risk factor and 20 years old (scary age :(). I've always been a smart kid and maybe a bit more grown up than others. But this constant scare is ruining my life. I live in a small town in northern sweden amd we don't have therapeuts here! :( And I know u can't say for sure that I will not go insane but please, some reassurence?? Both of my parents or grandparents are mentally healthy.

25-02-14, 06:54
I believe it is long term use of cannabis that can trigger MH problems in SOME people. Trying it once or twice and having a bad reaction doesn't mean anything other than you should probably avoid cannabis because it doesn't suit you.

People with schizophrenia aren't 'insane' anyway. You don't have schizophrenia.

The symptoms you describe are classic anxiety symptoms; what treatment or steps are you taking to get this under control? A starting point would be speaking to your family doctor about counselling and medications.

25-02-14, 10:21
My anxiety started because of marijuania use. I have had this fear big time. I had 2 really bad panic attacks (first in my life) while smoking marijuana. I was so afraid I was going to become schizo. I read about the link between the two.my therapist told me that people that enter insanity do not realize that they are going insane. Also it's marijuana use for years and years between the ages of 12-18. Heavy use, daily use. You are fine but no more cannibus use! It's terrible for anxiety. Feel better.:hugs:

25-02-14, 11:25
Thank you both for your kind words. I think the worst for me right now is the unknown (not knowing if I'm gonna get it eventually) and the thought of losing control (I'm a controlfreak, especially about my own mind and body). I wish there would just be some scan or something to finally know, like they have on brain tumors. This is so horrible :/ I feel like I've ruined my life because of those two times of smoking, damn. I know that in psychosis, patiens aren't aware of it. But I mean, could my symptoms be the start of it? I really hope not, I defo have anxiety but I just wish it would stay at that. We'll see... Also I'm scared that I'll go into psychosis at night time when no ones awake and kill myself. Scary right? I've talked to my doctor and the gave me prozac but I because very suicidal after just 4 days of taking it so I stopped. Then he would not take me seriosly anymore, maybe cause there's nothing he can do because we don't have mental health proffessionals here :/ I should move to a bigger city

25-02-14, 11:51
Hello! This is a difficult topic for me and I'm even crying right now because I have to share.. (I don't cry, ever). So for a about a year I have had anxiety (mostly physical symptoms) and panic attacks. First I ofc thought that it was brain cancer but then had a clear MRI. Well anyways, my symptoms right now are out of it feeling, being scared of myself, shaking, panic. So then so my fear: I terrified that I may be developing schizophrenia. Why do I think that? Well I just remembered that all this started slowly about 2 years ago when I tried cannabis twice and had an horrible reaction to it both times. I read that it could set it off and especially if you feel really weird under the influence of it. I'm also lefthanded which is a risk factor and 20 years old (scary age :(). I've always been a smart kid and maybe a bit more grown up than others. But this constant scare is ruining my life. I live in a small town in northern sweden amd we don't have therapeuts here! :( And I know u can't say for sure that I will not go insane but please, some reassurence?? Both of my parents or grandparents are mentally healthy.

I thought both things you have Had a CT-SCAN for brain and a few weeks ago was talking to myself and talking back to myself i did not even no where i was or who my family was very scary as schizophrenia runs in my family history But now it has completely past and i don't think like that,My Gp even said its Totally normal when your going through a hard time like i am and she can tell schizophrenia straight away shes a mental health doctor.

25-02-14, 12:02
I've tried cannabis far more times than two (I know, not good) and I can say that I am fine. Some people are more prone to others to develop a mental illness from weed but they usually smoke it very heavily, daily, and from a younger age (secondary school age, mostly). Trying it twice will not affect you at all.

If you THINK you are going mad then you are not. Why? Because if you were experiencing a psychosis you would not even be aware of it. 'Going mad', or experiencing a psychosis, does not enable you to distinguish between reality and fantasy. From your post you sound compos mentis enough to understand how you are feeling and able to think rationally, that's a big hint that you're not going mad ;)

25-02-14, 12:22
I've tried cannabis far more times than two (I know, not good) and I can say that I am fine. Some people are more prone to others to develop a mental illness from weed but they usually smoke it very heavily, daily, and from a younger age (secondary school age, mostly). Trying it twice will not affect you at all.

If you THINK you are going mad then you are not. Why? Because if you were experiencing a psychosis you would not even be aware of it. 'Going mad', or experiencing a psychosis, does not enable you to distinguish between reality and fantasy. From your post you sound compos mentis enough to understand how you are feeling and able to think rationally, that's a big hint that you're not going mad ;)

That is exactly what my doctor said to me ,Well put

25-02-14, 22:51
I'm in my 5th year of training to be a clinical psychologist so I hope you can feel reassured by my advice.

Schizophrenia is mainly associated with long-term marijuana use. You've only used twice, so your risk factor is very low. Also, there is a huge genetic factor. You are much more likely to suffer from schizophrenia is you have a parent or sibling who does. Both of your parents AND grandparents are mentally healthy, so the chances of you developing schizophrenia are very slim, like any other normal person. Don't worry about being left handed, we don't use that at all to predict whether someone may develop schizophrenia. You do not have any symptoms of schizophrenia from what you have said, only anxiety.

Also, schizophrenia and psychosis in general is quite misnderstood. When you do suffer from these things, the main indicator is that you are completely unaware that it isn't normal. People suffering from schizophrenia/phsychosis do not worry that they are suffering because they don't know that it isn't normal. You do. You are not suffering from schizophrenia, nor does it sounds like you will ever develop schizophrenia. You just sound like you are suffering from very severe anxiety.

I know it's hard when you live in a small town with no access to therapists or other doctors. Is it possible for you to travel to another town or city to speak to someone? It would really help calm you down and you may be able to work through your fears and worries much better with professional support. You don't need to see someone often, perhaps only once a month. I know some therapists also have the option of telephone counselling, which may be a great option for you.

27-02-14, 13:42
Thank you so much! It's always helpful to hear from a proffessional. You really did calm me. I have tried to search for skype counseling and my godmother is helping me with that (she lives in new york so I think she might find one. She has also gone through this fear as a teen so she is helping me a lot). I'm always overthinking stuff and the fear of losing my sanity is so overpowering. I hope that someday I can laugh this off and start helping others!

28-02-14, 21:45
You're welcome. Hopefully you'll be able to find a good therapist who can do telephone or skype counselling with you. I know that many places offer it now because there's been a huge push in accessibility for rural residents. Trust me, one day you will be able to laugh about this and you'll be able to advise others with the same. I suffered from debilitating anxiety and panic 4-5 years ago and this site was such a fantastic place of support. Now I'm 5 years into a Clinical Psychology degree - who would have thought! I can look back and laugh now at some of the silly things I used to do and think, but I still remember how awful it was at the time. I feel like having experienced the anxiety and panic myself I'll better be able to understand and relate to my clients in the future :)

Keep us posted with your progress!