View Full Version : Giving up : (

25-02-14, 09:42

Im 30 and suffered with panic attacks on/off since I was 20 - ive been on fluxotine and now on citalopram but just recently my panic attacks are getting worse.

I feel like I cant even get into my car and drive a distance anymore - ive stopped shopping and going out.

When I have a panic attack I cant breathe and I cant swallow it gets to the point where I think im about to drop dead.

At the moment I seem to be having them all day every day! Ive had enough now I just want my life back to normal!

Im currently having CBT but I really don't think its working nor are my tablets.

Can anyone recommended anything to help? xx

25-02-14, 11:14
Sleep, manuka honey, tapping exercises, yoga or palates or meditation. Eat better cut down on coffee , set small goals even if it's simply plodding around in your back garden or walking a couple of metres! What I've found which I first thought was embarrassing suffering this terrible affliction was, the distance issue not being able to drive more than a mile BUT perspectives & opinions on life are different who ever (i.e. Is air travel safe , are boys cleverer than girls) we are, so distance perspectives are different between a GAD sufferer compared to a non sufferer. If that makes sense?

Ignore criticism , don't be hard on yourself, avoid being put under pressure! Focus on you and getting through your day no matter how selfish that may or could come accross to others x