View Full Version : Hello all, I'm new today

25-02-14, 14:34
Hi all,

I'm 29 and currently going through a rough patch of anxiety for the past 3 or 4 months which started (I think) due to getting regular headaches which stupidly I googled and the of course the phantom symptoms started appearing - random body pains, lightheadedness, seeing flashing lights, fast heartbeat to name a few. I had basic tests with GP, blood work and blood pressure monitor and came back fine, and I no longer get a lot of the physical symptoms.

I don't recognise myself in health anxiety, I think that was just a trigger. I'm still getting the original headaches which I am waiting on a neurology appt for, but I don't particularly feel anxious about that now. I'm now suffering with anxiety about having anxiety, if that makes sense? I hate the lightheadedness feeling and the thought of being sick while I'm out, and the worry about that is enough to make me feel sick enough to cancel plans and stay at home. I'm normally ok when going out somewhere on my own, as I know I can escape somewhere (toilet/my car) if i need to without having to explain it to anyone. Of course knowing I can easily escape means I don't ever need to escape!

Had a couple of these episodes before (aged 7 and 15) but didn't realise what it was at the time. They both went away without intervention but it took a long while. Seems worse this time though so was referred by GP and have first 'Guided self help' CBT session over the phone in a couple of days. Anyone had this over the phone? Not sure what to expect. Also should mention I've just been diagnosed with PCOS so I obviously have a hormone imbalance - wonder if that is to blame!

Bit of a novel there, sorry. Thanks for reading if you did. I've looked through a few other threads already and it helps just knowing I'm not the only one.


25-02-14, 14:42
Hello and :welcome:

This is such a great place with such great people I am sure you will find plenty of help and support.

25-02-14, 16:43
Thanks for the replies! Been mooching round the forum and found loads of interesting reading - definitely the place to come during those hard moments.

Sometimes I feel so stupid for feeling like this, I feel like I've got no right to be anxious (had a good childhood, have good friends, no major trauma etc) so it's just helpful to hear from other people in the same boat. I know anxiety doesn't discriminate but sometimes it's hard to remember and I feel stupid/guilty for feeling like this which just adds to it :wacko:

Sounds mopey but I do actually feel positive for the moment. And I will definitely not be consulting Dr Google anymore don't you worry!!

25-02-14, 16:59
Yeah, better thanks. Well - hungry! Got caught up reading threads on here and missed lunch. To the kitchen!!